Here's a rundown of what's new here from the past month.
New Site Layout!
To celebrate our 20th birthday on August 22nd, we released a project we have been working on for quite some time: a new main site layout! This layout matches what we have used on all of our other departments, such as the Item Database, for many years.
We are currently having a short beta testing period before rolling out widely, so stay tuned to our homepage for updates! If you have any feedback, do not hesitate to let us know! We read everything we receive, and are fixing bugs and making adjustments every day. Look forward to a site theme switcher very soon!
Special Categories 2.0
We continued our birthday celebrations with a big update to the Item Database: Special Categories 2.0!
We have completely redesigned and updated our "Special Categories" system to be more robust, shedding previous limitations with the ability to categorize an item in any way we wish.
We've expanded the list of our Special Categories from 212 to 324 options, with even more planned to be added and catalogued in the coming months.
The "Categories" section on an individual item's page has been redesigned to show the full rundown of where the item can be found, where it can be used at, any effects it may have, and any other thematic groupings.
You can search by Special Category right over in our search bar—look for the In Special Category options!
The Void Within Coverage
The Void Within has continued to develop over the last month, and we've covered it breathlessly!
August saw the start of the Clash Over Kiko Lake. Check out our guides for the most accurate current mechanics and prizes:
Our prize shop guide is up-to-date with a battery of new prizes released last week:
We also saw the first release of Dr. Landelbrot's Voidworks. This activity will allegedly become a daily one once Chapter 5 starts next Monday, September 9.
Having trouble keeping track of all the plot activities? Check out our personal checklist tool, updated daily:
You can continue to keep up with news of every development by checking our plot hub homepage daily:
Plot Points Fortune Cookie Guide
In case you missed it, last month TNT released a new Void Within Plot Points Fortune Cookie. The cookie respects the same daily/weekly point limits per activity, but helps you get there two (or three, if you're lucky) times as fast.
Altador Cup Coverage
The Altador Cup spanned the entire month of August, with the top bracket wrapping up this weekend, while middle and bottom brackets experienced a bizarre and unexpected double-practice day.
The TNT Staff Tournament also completed and has already had its prize shop opened! Check out our coverage to see how each staffer did and what's available for your points:
Finally, we hosted our very own Staff Tourney for the first time in five years! Congratulations to Ducky, Rylon, and Perry for their podium placements, and to the five lucky random winners of a SDCC prize code for submitting guesses in all ten rounds!
New Convention Recaps
We published three new convention recaps in August.
New Premium Scratchcard Prizes
TNT updated prizes for the weekly Premium scratchcards with a mix of new and rereleased items. Check out our guide for all the latest details:
New Petpetpet Attachment Walkthrough
Thanks to a tip through a contact form, we now have instructions on a very efficient way to get your Petpetpet attached. Curious? Check out our guide:
Recurrent Guide Updates
Some site features are perennially updated by TNT, and so our articles about them are too!
- 50k a Day Guide: Updated based on August game payout updates.
- AMA Recaps: Added recap of August 2024's AMA with TNT.
- Dyeworks Guide: Updated with the August releases.
- NC Mall Rereleases Guide: Info about the August 2024 Dyeworks rereleases.
- Pet Styles: Info and images of the new set of new Mutant Pet Styles. (We still need several Blue and Mutant models! Check out the list here.)
- Mystery Capsules: TNT released two re-release capsules last month, and we have guides on the known contents of each of them:
Finally, we are always adding new entries to our databases. You can keep up with them at any time!
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