The Void Within plot is taking a hiatus! All plot point earning activities have been paused starting November 11th and are expected to resume in February 2025. Enjoy a break from the grind over the holidays! The plot will return with updates to the pacing, balancing of the activities, and bug fixes.
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Voidworks is back! When first released on August 19th, Voidworks could only be played once ever. It seems to have returned on the afternoon of October 7th, but with some differences for subsequent plays. It now awards only item prizes (and not plot points), and as of November 7th 350 NP per daily play. The achievement is now being awarded awarded again. And it resets at midnight to be played anytime daily, and there will only be one puzzle daily, which will be random and different for each person every day.
Beginning on August 19, Dr. Landelbrot has almost completed constructing his void dampener to save Juni, but needs the help of Neopians to complete it. The Voidworks game allows users to correct the flow of Void Energy through regulation cables, which look like pipes, to successfully power the device.
Void Energy is finicky. Please help me connect these Regulation Cables. Only after we redirect and supress the excess void essence, can we safely harness it's energy.
How to Play
Click or tap on the pipe pieces to rotate them. Note that some pieces are static and cannot move, see the specifics below.
The Void Channeler needs to be connected to the Power Nexus via the regulation cables in an unbroken path. This functions similarly to Sewage Surfer where you can't let the flow spill out of an open pipe. You do not have to use all of the pieces on the board—there will frequently be unnecessary pieces on the board that cannot be used to solve a given puzzle, including lights.
Void Channeler This is the starting point of the energy flow.
Power Nexus This is the end point where energy needs to be delivered.
Line Piece Single-direction flow with two openings, one at each end. Can be oriented either horizontally or vertically.
T Piece Multi-directional flow with three openings. Can be oriented all four directions.
Elbow Piece Single-direction flow with two openings on adjacent sides. Can be oriented all four directions.
Cross Piece Four openings, one on each side. Cannot be changed.
Static Piece Single-direction flow with two openings on adjacent sides. Cannot be rotated.
Light Piece End cap with one opening. Cannot be rotated.
The first time you play, there are three levels, or rounds, with increasing difficulty. Any subsequent plays will only have one round. There is a 60 second time limit for each round. If you run out of time, the round will be reset to try again. There is no game over—you can continue to repeat the round if you run out of time. You can also pause at any point by clicking the button in the top right corner, although the game board will be obscured.
For your first play-through, once successful, the path will light up with blue circuits and you'll see a confirmation message from Scintilly and advance to the next round.
For any subsequent plays with only one round, completing the path will bring up a success popup with Dr. Landelbrot. Clicking to continue then shows a congratulatory popup with your prize. You must then wait until the following day to play again.
Scoring was only applicable for the first time you play through the three rounds until November 7th. Scoring is irrelevant for any subsequent plays of the single round, unless you're trying for the avatar—more on that later.
The exact means of scoring remained unknown, but a higher score was obtained by finishing each puzzle with at least 30 seconds remaining on the game clock. The number of clicks and the order of how the pipes are connected do not affect the scoring. The maximum score possible was 15. The minimum score we had seen reported was 2. You must have completed all three rounds to obtain a score—there is no ending the game early other than just exiting out with the knowledge that you played.
The Go with the Flowachievement can be earned on your first play of the three rounds by reaching the maximum score, although some users had reported scoring 15 points and not unlocking the achievement. It is unknown what exactly causes this variation in awarding. It can also be awarded for finishing an unknown number of games in under 30 seconds during subsequent plays. If your timer gets too low, you can refresh the page and start over again.
Voidworks does not count as a game played for the Quest Log game task. It will also not appear in your High Score list as a game played.
On your first time playing, after completing the third round, Dr. Landelbrot would automatically award you with plot points equal to your score (or double if using a Plot Points Fortune Cookie) along with an item prize, but as of November 7th, 2024 you'll just receive the item prize and 350 Neopoints. For any subsequent plays you will still only receive the item prize and 350 NP.
Level Solutions - First Playthrough
There are no new solutions! When first released on August 19th, and when playing for the very first time, the same three puzzles are presented to all players. When it was re-released on October 7th, and for any subsequent times playing, one random puzzle is presented per player, and the puzzle varies from player to player each time. There are currently no solutions to the over 160,000 possible puzzle variations.
Round 1
The first round needs a pretty straightforward line leaving the bottom left pieces unused.
Starting Puzzle:
Puzzle Solution:
Round 2
The second round utilizes all the pieces so just turn them until everything connects.
Starting Puzzle:
Puzzle Solution:
Round 3
The third round is a little trickier with even more static pieces, and again leaves a few pieces unused.
Starting Puzzle:
Puzzle Solution:
Check out our video guide for some possible ways to reach the solution images above.
Finishing all three levels of the game the first time playing or finishing the single puzzle for any subsequent plays will earn 350 Neopoints along with a prize from the following pool.
Prior to November 7th, finishing all three levels of the game the first time playing would would earns 2-15 plot points along with a prize from the following pool, and finishing the one round of the game for any subsequent plays would earn only a prize from the following pool.
Finishing with at least 30 seconds remaining on the clock in ten different puzzles is necessary for the avatar, and the initial three puzzles count towards the avatar.
If the timer starts to approach 30 seconds, refresh the page to restart the game on a clean slate. If you stay on the same game window after the timer hits 0 and restart following the game's prompt without refreshing the page, this will automatically disqualify your score performance even if you finish with at least 30 seconds on an additional attempt of the puzzle.
If a puzzle is difficult, take a screenshot and pause the game, then figure out the puzzle before unpausing and finishing. Alternatively, you can trial and error clicking the puzzle pieces, and once you figure out a solution, refresh the game to reset the timer so you can complete the puzzle with at least 30 seconds remaining.
The Void Within plot is taking a break! All point gathering activities are on hold until "early 2025" according to TNT. Stay tuned to JN, we'll announce when a more firm return date is provided.
Did you know Neopets currently has two mobile apps available? Did you know they both offer item and Neopoint prizes on Get all the details on our guides: