
Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity


The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity (or TDMBGPOP for short), is a little blue Grundo plushie located in Faerieland that can be visited once per day for a chance at a prize.


The TDMBGPOP is not labeled on any map. You may find it by clicking in the spot highlighted below, in the center of the Faerieland map:


Possible Outcomes and Prizes

All Possible Item Prizes »

You wait around for a bit, but nothing seems to happen. Best be on your way.

Result: Nothing!

Haven't you been feeding [ACTIVE NEOPET NAME] lately? It looks like [s]he is about to eat the plushie! Best find them some real food quick.

Result: Your active pet becomes one level hungrier.

[ACTIVE NEOPET NAME] is so excited to visit the little plushie [s]he forgets [s]he was hungry.

Result: Your active pet becomes one level fuller.

Seeing the poor discarded plushie seems to dampen [ACTIVE NEOPET NAME]'s mood. Perhaps you should return a different day.

Result: Your active pet becomes one level sadder.

Nothing seems to make a Neopet feel better than a soft little plushie, and [ACTIVE NEOPET NAME] is no exception. [S]he is looking better already.

Result: Your active pet becomes one level happier and is cured of any diseases.

While staring at the discarded plushie, [ACTIVE NEOPET NAME] has an epiphany, and seems a bit more enlightened.

Result: Your active pet gains up to eight intelligence points.

The plushie remains ever silent, but as you leave you notice [#,###] Neopoints on the ground. Perhaps it was good luck or...

Result: Between 50 and 3,000 Neopoints are added to your on hand total.

There is no response from the plushie, but as you turn around you kick a small object. Oh, it's a [ITEM NAME]!

Result: A random toy r89 or lower is added to your inventory.

It was very kind of you to visit this worn little plushie. Oh, what's this? There is a NEW plushie on the ground nearby! You're sure you can give the [PLUSHIE NAME] a new home!

Result: A random exclusive plushie from the table below is added to your inventory.

Prior to January 12, 2018, a different set of exclusive plushies was available.


Along with any of the above possible outcomes, you can additionally randomly receive an avatar. It is speculated that the odds of receiving the avatar may be increased if you visit the plushie during the Winter Starlight Celebration, but this is unconfirmed.

Grundo - Discarded Plushie

Grundo - Discarded Plushie / Guide

Random when collecting a daily prize at The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity.

Released: September 25, 2009


He first appeared in 2004, but he didn't really have very much to say for himself. Clicking on him he would occasionally say "..." or "0_o" but didn't do anything else. Most people believed he was meant to have played a role in the Guildmaster's Dinner logic puzzle, since he appeared at roughly the same time. The theory was that he would act as a source of clues, but the dinner puzzle was cancelled shortly after and so this was never confirmed.

The Old Artwork
The original Plushie

After laying there for five years, he got a much-needed makeover on September 17, 2009, during the Faerie Festival, and started giving out the daily prizes we know today!

In Faerieland
All alone in the old clouds of Faerieland.

In late 2010, he was unavailable during the Faeries' Ruin plot. After that was over and Faerieland began rebuilding on the ground, we found out what happened to him.

In the trees!
Stuck in the trees after Faerieland crashed!

Time-Limited Change


Making good on a promise from December of 2021, he appeared during the Winter Starlight Celebration of 2022, and each December since, in a snowy setting and wearing a scarf.

TDMBGPOP in Winter Mode
It snows in Faerieland?

The Void Within

As part of the run-up to The Void Within plot, TDMBGPOP instead appeared grey as afflicted with the grey curse on May 16, 2024.

TDMBGPOP with grey curse
But, "Blue" is in his name!

Starting in the afternoon of June 25, 2024, visiting the plushie had the potential to issue one of the following new exclusive plushies:

It was very kind of you to visit this worn little plushie. Oh, what's this? There is a NEW plushie on the ground nearby! You're sure you can give the [PLUSHIE NAME] a new home!

These plushies are an addition to the existing plushie items in the pool.

It is unknown how long these changes will last and if the grey items will remain as possible prizes in perpetuity.

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This page was written by Dave & Weepit and last updated on August 27, 2024.

Daily Neopets Alerts: Oct 5, 2024

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