Scratchcard Prizes
Premium Scratchcards
If you have a Neopets Premium account, then each week you will receive a Space Faerie Scratchcard. These cannot be sold or bought, so the only way to get one is to sign up for a Premium account, in which case you will receive one every Friday. Unlike the other scratchcards, they are not Inventory items. Similarly, if your Premium subscription expires, the scratchcards can no longer be accessed to scratch.
On the classic site layout, they can be accessed on the bottom right of your Premium Toolbar. On the mobile-friendly site layout, they can be accessed via the Premium Hub, which is itself accessible from the top menubar. (Alternately, you can follow this direct link.)
As a note, all of the symbols you will scratch off are actually loaded as part of the page. When you scratch, you are just choosing which squares each symbol will appear in. It would not have mattered if you scratched different squares; you would have gotten the same six symbols, in the same order!
The current prizes have been available since August 1, 2024:
2,000 NP to 5,000 NP Standard |
10,000 NP Jackpot Symbol: |
Cosmic Space Faerie Leggings (wearable) Symbol: |
Cosmic Space Faerie Top (wearable) Symbol: |
Fashionable Space Faerie Usuki Doll Symbol: |
How to be the Space Faerie Book Symbol: |
Inverted Space Faerie Stamp Symbol: |
Orbulon Symbol: |
Pencil of the Space Faerie Symbol: |
Space Faerie Doll Symbol: |
Space Faerie Hair Dye Symbol: |
Space Faerie Milkshake Symbol: |
Space Faerie Mushroom Symbol: |
Space Faerie Plushie Symbol: |
Space Faerie Pomade Symbol: |
Space Faerie Quiguki Doll Symbol: |
Space Faerie Snowglobe Symbol: |
Space Faerie Space Paste Symbol: |
Space Faerie Space Ship Symbol: |
Space Faerie Stamp |
Space Faerie Tales Symbol: |
Space Faerie Usuki Doll Symbol: |
Space Faerie Wig (wearable) Symbol: |
Previous Prizes
The following prize pool was active from June 2013 to August 1, 2024:
The following prizes were available until they retired in June 2013:
Blue Neocola Token |
Green Neocola Token |
Mysterious Token (Can be used at the Space Faerie Vending Machine) |
Orbulon Available again from August 1, 2024 |
Red Neocola Token |
Space Faerie Bean Bag |
Space Faerie Keyring |
Space Faerie Pen |
Space Faerie Plushie Available again from August 1, 2024 |
Space Faerie Tales Available again from August 1, 2024 |
Space Faeries Shield |
The Space Faerie |
Scratchcard Boon
If you are an active Premium member, all factions give the opportunity of activating the Full Pockets boon when victorious from in the Battleground of the Obelisk. The Full Pockets boon earns you an additional 1,000 Neopoints with every prize when you scratch a Space Faerie scratchcard while it is active.
This article was written by: Kenny