Deserted Fairgrounds
The Deserted Fairground Kiosk is located in the Deserted Fairground of the Haunted Woods and is run by Sidney. Here are the basics for the Kiosk:
- Cost: 1,200 NP
- Purchase Cooldown: 2 hours
- Max Cards Scratched Per Day: 5
- Closed Times: None!
Whether you win or lose, Sidney has some supportive (or not!) words for you.
Winning Phrases:
- Remember, do not leave the fairground without sspending your winningsss
- Woohoo! Well done!
Losing Phrases:
- Awwww, better luck next time!
- How sssad :(
- That card was a jackpot winner... and you blew it!
- We have a loossser...
- You losst :(
- You sscratched the wrong thingss!!
To win a prize, you must scratch off three or more of the same symbol. If by chance you scratch off two sets of matching icons (for example, three Level 1 icons and three Level 4 icons), you will only receive the prize for the higher level.
Level 2: Three of one of the spooky foods in the table below (all 3 are the same item)
Level 4: Two to four random snowballs from the table below.
Level 6: One of your pets gains a level (not necessarily your active pet)
Level 7: One random mutant plushie from the table below. If you receive a plushie not listed here, please let us know!
Level 8: A random Haunted Weaponry item from the table below. In mid-July 2019, this prize pool was updated; we are still working to confirm the updated pool, so if you receive an item not listed here, please let us know!
These items were the confirmed prizes prior to this change, but it is unknown whether they are still available from the prize pool:
Additionally, the first time you win any prize, you will also receive an avatar.
Finally, winning a level 3 or high prize will unlock Sidney as a Battledome challenger.
Prize Probabilities
The bottom line: the chance of each prize is equally likely with a chance of approximately 6%, and the chance of losing is a bit under 76%. This holds for all prizes and all Deserted Fairground scratchcards.
Some important implications of this are:
- If you are only interested in using the scratchcard for training, your best option is the Festering Fortune Scratchcard, as it is the cheapest card with the Level-Up prize but has the same probability of levelling up as the rarer, more expensive cards.
- Winning the jackpot on a Rotting Riches Scratchcard is not any rarer than winning any other prize!
- No one square of the nine possible squares to scratch is any "luckier" than the others. By extension, no particular set of 3 (or 6) squares is any more likely than other set to result in a win. (It may even be that your 6 symbols are pre-determined, and your clicking just decides where those symbols appear.)

Doing the math to outsmart Sidney
Detailed Explanation
Throughout 2021, a Jellyneo staffer recorded over 700 Deserted Fairground scratchcards (that's over 4,200 squares scratched!). From this, we are able to strongly estimate the probabilities associated with Deserted Fairground scratchcards. Note that this analysis included primarily the four lower levels of scratchcards, so we cannot confirm that the pattern holds for the two highest level of scratchcards; however, as we found an equivalent pattern for all levels of Terror Mountain scratchcards, we believe it is likely the same pattern holds for all levels.
Every square you scratch is equally likely to be any of the possible symbols for that card. The exception is the "blank" symbol which is twice as likely as each of the other symbols. Since there are 5 possible symbols (including blank) on each scratchcard, the chance of getting a blank square is 2/6 and the chance of each non-blank symbol is 1/6.
A very important takeaway from this is that it means higher level prizes are not any rarer than lower level prizes! Further, the rarer scratchcards do not provide a higher chance of getting the higher prizes!
We can use some combinatoric theory with these probabilities to find that the chance of each prize is approximately 6%. In short, this is the probability of getting 3 or more successes in a binomial experiment with 6 trials and a probability of success of 1/6.
In fact, because higher level prizes are awarded in the event of scratching two sets of 3 symbols on a card, the chances of higher level prizes on a scratchcard are actually very slightly higher than the lower level prizes. (The highest level prize has about a 6.23% chance, while the lowest level has a 5.84% chance.) By extension, the chance of winning nothing is a bit under 76%.
We do not attempt to calculate the expected value of each card, as this would require assigning a value both to the jackpot (which is always changing) and level-ups (which varies widely by pet and by user), as well as the item prizes. However, we encourage you to use the ~6% probability to do your own calculations based on these!
Scratchcard Boon
Certain factions give the opportunity of activating the Scratch Master boon if you side with them and they emerge victorious from the Battleground of the Obelisk.
The Scratch Master boon allows you to ignore the usual waiting period and purchase two scratchcards at a time (from any of the kiosks) before the time restrictions come into effect.
This page was written by Kenny and last updated on August 10, 2024.