
Neopian Dictionary

Welcome to the Neopian Dictionary! Here, you can find definitions and explanations for all those strange Neopian words that have been puzzling you. Some of the words here were invented by the Neopets Team; others were created by players and have stuck around because they're so useful. From Meepits to MPETs and from RI to restocking, we're here to explain them all!

There are 90 matching terms.


[liːt] - adjective

Comical misspelling of "elite". Highly skilled, especially in fields involving computers and technology.

Example Usage:

"I'm in need of a 1337 coder to help me with this project..."

Category: Uncategorized


[ɛɪsiː] - noun

(1) The Altador Cup, an annual gaming tournament where players represent their favourite Neopian nation in the game of Yooyuball.
(2) Avatar Chat, the unofficial name of the Avatars and Neosignatures Neoboard.
(3) The Advent Calendar, a yearly giveaway of items and Neopoints that takes place throughout the Month of Celebrating.

Example Usage:

(1) "Who won this year's AC? I was on holiday."
(2) "I'm going on the AC to see if anyone will lend me a Faerie Queen Doll."
(3) "Have you picked up your AC prize today?"

Category: Uncategorized


['æktɪv] - noun

The Neopet that appears in your quick-ref panel at the side of the page, when playing certain games, and on the Neoboards. Faerie quest rewards and random event effects will happen to this Neopet. To change which pet is your active, go to Quick Ref and select "Make Active" from a pet's dropdown menu.

Example Usage:

"I just painted my active a new colour! Doesn't she look great?"

Category: Uncategorized


['ædəm] - noun

(1) The name of one of the founders of Neopets, also known as Borovan or Number Six. He is now working on other projects unrelated to Neopets.
(2) A nickname for the "Number Six" secret avatar, obtained by visiting the About Us page with a certain amount of Neopoints on hand.

Example Usage:

(1) "Adam's favourite Neopet was the Asparagus Chia."
(2) "Will you lend me 100,000 NP so I can get Adam?"

See Also: Adam Powell , Neopets Avatar Solutions

Category: Uncategorized


[ə'dɒptəbəl] - noun

A cute graphic, usually an image of a Neopet, which the artist is happy to have used on other people's pages, and indeed actively encourages people to copy and paste their favourite. Not to be confused with anything concerning Neopet adoption.

Example Usage:

"I know a woman who makes the cutest Lupe adoptables! I've got one on my lookup right now."

Category: Uncategorized


['əfiː] - noun

Abbreviation of "affiliate". A person who agrees to put a link to your page on theirs, in return for the same favour.

Example Usage:

"I'm looking for affies so my page gets a bit better-known!"

Category: Uncategorized


['ɛɪdʒɛd] - adjective

Of a Petpet, having been attached to a Neopet for a long time. For certain Petpets, this can earn you a secret avatar.

Example Usage:

"I adopted this Blumaroo without even realising he had an aged Mazzew attached! Wow!"

See Also: Neopets Avatar Solutions

Category: Uncategorized


['ænθɹoʊ] - adjective, noun

(1) A style of drawing which depicts Neopets, whatever their species, as having a similar build and moving in a similar way to humans. For instance, a Lupe might stand only on his hind legs. The opposite of quad.
(2) A Neopet drawn in this style, especially in the Beauty Contest.

Example Usage:

(1) "I've kind of had enough of excessively anthro characters in official Neopets stuff. Can't we have an Aisha on all fours and without a wig on for once?"
(2) "I don't make a habit of voting for anthros, but I like your art so much that I made an exception. :)"

Category: Uncategorized


['bɛɪsɪk] - adjective

Red, yellow, blue or green; that is, one of the colours in which Neopets can be born.

Example Usage:

"The pets that take the longest to find homes in the Pound are generally basic pets with unattractive names."

Category: Uncategorized


[biːsiː] - noun

(1) Abbreviation of "Beauty Contest". An art competition in which players must draw their own pets and then compete against other Neopets of the same species.
(2) The Neoboard where Beauty Contest entries can be shown off. (Advertising on any other Neoboard is against the rules.)

Example Usage:

(1) "I'm going to be in the BC this Friday! Vote for me?"
(2) "I think it still needs work. Maybe the BC can give you some help with your technique?"

See Also: The Beauty Contest

Category: Uncategorized


[bɛg] - verb

To ask other players for Neopoints or items, especially in a rude or abrupt manner.

Example Usage:

"Please stop begging -- it isn't allowed on the Neoboards."

Category: Uncategorized


[blɒk] - verb

(1) In the Battledome, to absorb damage done by your opponent and prevent it from affecting your pet.
(2) To stop a user from being able to Neomail you.

Example Usage:

(1) "This shield blocks ten icons' worth of damage."
(2) "She wouldn't stop asking me to sell her my Baby Paint Brush for 50 NP, so in the end I blocked her."

Category: Uncategorized


['biːɛn] - adjective

(1) Abbreviation of the phrase "Badly Named". Refers to a pet name that contains numbers, unnecessarily repeating strings, or other things that make it less attractive in general.
(2) Abbreviation of "Before Neopia". Used to talk about things that happened before humans arrived in Neopia in Year One. For example, 100 BN was a hundred years before Year One.

Example Usage:

(1) "This pet is pretty, but she's BN. It might take a while to get people's interest."
(2) "Sakhmet City was founded in the year 873 BN."

Category: Uncategorized

Boochi Guard

['buːtʃiː gɑ:d] - noun

A pet that is already painted Baby, or whose colour does not come from a very expensive item, and who is kept as their owner's active pet for most of the time. This prevents colour-changing random events from striking a more expensively-painted pet.

Example Usage:

"I wish I could show off my Faerie Pteri on the boards more, but in practice I tend to keep my Starry Wocky active as a Boochi guard."

See Also: Random Events

Category: Uncategorized


[siːændpiː] - adjective

A Beauty Contest entry that has been created by altering and/or recolouring official Neopets artwork. (This is allowed; it's entering other users' work that is against the rules.) "C&P" stands for "Copy and Paste".

Example Usage:

"My Tuskaninny's only competing against a few C&P entries. This should be a breeze!"

See Also: The Beauty Contest

Category: Uncategorized

Chain Letter

[tʃɛɪn 'lɛtɜː] - noun

A message that claims it will bring good luck to anyone who posts it on the Neoboards or sends it to a Neofriend. These do not work, and never have done; posting them is a form of spam, and against the rules.

Example Usage:

"My nephew got into trouble for copying and pasting chain letters all over the Neoboards."

See Also: Neopets Scams

Category: Uncategorized


['klɪkəbəl] - noun

An avatar or other special achievement that can be gained simply by visiting a particular part of the site.

Example Usage:

"There's a whole list of clickables and generally easy-to-get avatars on her petpage."

See Also: Neopets Avatar Solutions

Category: Uncategorized


[siːkjuː] - noun

Abbreviation for "Country Queen", the name of the Neopets Team member who was previously in charge of answering the Neopian Times editorial before relinquishing duties to Scrappy.

Example Usage:

"Hi, CQ! Can you settle an argument and tell us what species the Petpet in last week's caption contest is supposed to be?"

See Also: Country Queen

Category: Uncategorized


['kɹɛdɪt] - noun, verb

(1) A note detailing the original creator of a page design or piece of artwork, to be displayed when the person using it is not the creator.
(2) To mention the original creator of such a piece of work.

Example Usage:

(1) "I don't mind you using my lookup designs, but be sure to leave credit somewhere."
(2) "I'll have to remember to credit Jellyneo for my font if anyone asks about it."

Category: Uncategorized


['kʌstəm] - noun

(1) A Neopet created for another player as a gift or part of a trade, of the species and colour of the recipient's choosing. A '____k custom' specifies the amount of Neopoints the creator is willing to spend on painting the pet.
(2) An offer to spend a specified amount of Neocash on a selection of NC Mall items of the recipient's choice.

Example Usage:

(1) "She offered me a 1mil custom, and as luck would have it, Faerie Paint Brushes were exactly 1mil... so now I have a Faerie Bori!"
(2) "I can offer you a 500NC custom for that, if you'd rather."

Category: Uncategorized


['dɛɪliːz] - noun

Activities that can be done every day, and form part of a player's daily routine. These often include free games like the Tombola and Fruit Machine, which give you one chance to play every day.

Example Usage:

"Mustn't forget to do my dailies before I log off."

Category: Uncategorized


[diːsiː] - noun, verb

(1) An abbreviation for "Darigan Citadel", specifically referring to that land's Altador Cup team.
(2) An abbreviation for "disconnect". To be forced to exit a game of Key Quest due to technical problems.

Example Usage:

(1) "DC for the cup this year! We've done it before, we can do it again!"
(2) "Sorry, I got DCed. -_- Want to start another game?"

Category: Uncategorized


[daɪ'ɹɛktəriː] - noun

A list of links to Neopets (or sometimes pages) of a certain type.

Example Usage:

"I noticed you have a vegetable Chia! Not that many people do. I'm making a directory of vegetable Chias -- would you like me to include your pet?"

Category: Uncategorized


['dɹiːmiː ] - noun

A pet (usually in terms of colour and species) that someone dearly wishes to own, but doesn't yet.

Example Usage:

"You got a Jelly Poogle from the lab? You're so lucky, that's one of my dreamies!"

Category: Uncategorized


[ɛdɪ'tɔːriːəl] - noun

A section in the weekly newsletter The Neopian Times, where the Neopets Team answers a selection of questions put to them by fans.

Example Usage:

"I'm writing to the editorial to ask why you can't opt out of displaying your gender on the Neoboards."

See Also: Searchable Editorial Database by JN

Category: Uncategorized


[ɛn'dʒuːrənts] - noun

The measure of a pet's stamina in the Battledome. The higher your Endurance, the more maximum Hit Points (HP) your pet can have.

Example Usage:

"I think I need to work on training my Meerca's Endurance. She only has 11 HP!"

Category: Uncategorized


[ɛfbiː] - noun

(1) Abbreviation for "Florbix Blaster". A futuristic-looking Battledome weapon.
(2) Abbreviation for the popular social networking site "Facebook".

Example Usage:

(1) "I remember starting off as a Battledomer years ago. I had a FB and I thought I was all that..."
(2) "I saw on Neopets' FB page that they're giving out a new Rare Item Code for free."

See Also: Florbix Blaster

Category: Uncategorized


[ɛfsiː] - noun

1) Abbreviation of "Fan Clubs". A Neoboard where a lot of casual chatter goes on.

2) Abbreviation of "Food Club". A popular betting game based on the eating habits of various Krawk Island denizens.

3) Abbreviation of "Fortune Cookie". An item bought from the NC Mall which gives gifts or special bonuses when opened.

Example Usage:

(1) "There aren't any Neoboards in my language, so people who speak it tend to get together on a special thread we make every day on the FC."
(2) "What FC bets did you place today?"
(3) "I wish I had enough Neocash for another Faerie Quest FC."

See Also: Food Club Guide , Fortune Cookie Guide

Category: Uncategorized


[fɹiːz] - verb

(1) To block a user from logging into, and stop their account from being displayed to the public. A punishment which can be handed out by monitors for bad behaviour, although it can also be used temporarily to prevent damage to an account if someone other than the account owner has gained access.
(2) In the Battledome, to prevent an opponent from attacking for a turn.

Example Usage:

(1) "If you try to flirt with another user on Neopets, the mods might freeze you."
(2) "Freezing an opponent is a good way to get the upper hand, even if it's just for a short time."

Category: Uncategorized


[dʒiːsiː] - noun

(1) Abbreviation for "Glowing Cauldron". A strange Battledome weapon that reacts differently depending on timing and your opponent's strength boost.
(2) Abbreviation for "Guild Chat". A Neoboard where players can browse through advertisements for guilds they might like to join.

Example Usage:

(1) "These plot challengers are a bit tedious, but I've been knocking them down like skittles with my GC."
(2) "I've been posting on the GC, but we're still a bit low on members. You're not looking for a guild, by any chance, are you?"

See Also: Glowing Cauldron

Category: Uncategorized

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