The Conundrum was discontinued on July 25, 2013. It was due to a faulty prize script, and at first was only discontinued until "further notice," but TNT has since confirmed they have no plans of bringing it back.
Every week, the Lenny Conundrum Wizard has a new puzzle—solve it and you can receive Neopoints, prizes, a trophy, an avatar, and more!
The Basics
In the Lenny Conundrum, your objective is to solve some sort of mental challenge that The Neopets Team announce in the News. These could include doing math problems, completing logic puzzles, or solving cryptic riddles. You are allowed to use anything that may help you get the answer, such as dictionaries, a thesaurus, a calculator, etc. As you may have guessed though, you are not allowed to share your answer; this is in your best interest really, because the more people you tell the correct answer to, the more people share the prize fund, and the smaller your share of said fund is.
Everybody who submits the correct answer will win an even share of the 4,000,000 NP prize fund (previously, it was a 2,000,000 NP pool, but this was changed at the beginning of 2012). And if you happen to be one of the first 250 users to submit a correct answer, you will be granted a special prize, a cool trophy and a brand new avatar!
Maybe the answer is in that book...
The first 250 people to solve the Lenny Conundrum are granted a trophy - either gold, silver, or bronze, based on where you were. If you were among the first ten, you'll earn a gold; the next 100 get silver, and the remaining 140 earn themselves a bronze. If you win one kind of trophy, but then on a subsequent week you earn a higher ranking one, the trophy on your look up will reflect the highest rank you have currently attained. So, for example, if you enter and win a bronze trophy one week, then enter and win a silver trophy the following week, the silver trophy will display on your look up.
Once you've earned a gold (CHAMPION!) trophy, the only way to upgrade your trophy is by once again placing in the first ten people to submit the correct answer. Doing so will earn you a multiplier (Lenny Conundrum CHAMPION! x2, for example) on your gold trophy. (Many thanks to Pride for providing us with this information.)
Presto! Trophy!
Exclusive Prizes
There have been multiple item prizes that were exclusive to the Lenny Conundrum over the years. You can find a list in our Item Database:
Exclusive Item Prizes »
- Try to make sure your answer is as general as possible; this gives you a better chance of getting it correct.
- Make sure you read the whole question (reading it multiple times may also help).
- Make sure you answer in the correct format. For example, if they only want the answer to be two words, make sure you only have two words or you will be disqualified.
- Try to answer Lenny Conundrum as soon as a new puzzle is released (keep checking the News on Wednesdays to see when the next one is up), so you have a better chance of getting in the top 250 users.
- Remember, you are allowed to use anything that may help you get the answer, such as dictionaries, math books, Google, etc.
- If TNT catches anyone giving out answers, they will be frozen, meaning that everyone has to figure out the answer themselves.
This game guide was written by Spike & Suzuka and last updated on June 8, 2022.