
Kiko Pop

As of January 12, 2021, Kiko Pop is not available. In order to play this daily, Adobe Flash is needed which was discontinued on January 12th by Adobe. We anticipate TNT will be converting this feature to be Flash-free at some point.

Kiko Pop is a fun game set up on the shore of Kiko Lake by Elvin. He allows people to throw darts at balloons in the hopes of popping them.

Playing the Game

Elvin is a generous host, and will give you the option of three different difficulties of game when you visit him. Harder difficulties will reward rarer prizes, but the balloons are also much harder to hit.

Once you have chosen the difficulty, Elvin will begin spinning the board. The objective is to hit and pop any of the balloons on the board by aiming and clicking with your mouse. Don't worry if you have perfect aim and still seem to miss, the game is rigged in a way similar to those in the Deserted Fairground. The appearances of the balloons and where you aim doesn't truly make a difference; whether (and what) you'll win is set as soon as you go to play.

If you successfully hit and pop a balloon, you will reveal an icon of a prize. Elvin will then tell you that you have played your fair share of Kiko Pop—you may only play once per day.


Prize possibilities depend on both difficulty and the icon shown when the balloon is popped. The item you receive will always fall within the rarity restrictions of the difficulty you select, but individual categories may have higher minimums or lower maximums.

Easy: r50-79
Standard: r60-89
Hard: r70-89

Easy: r45-79
Standard: r60-85
Hard: r70-85

Easy: r20-79
Standard: r60-89
Hard: r70-89

Clothes, Gift, Mystical Surroundings, or Ugga Shinies
Easy: r45-79
Standard: r60-85
Hard: r70-85

Healing Potion (Easy); Battle Magic or Ice Crystal (Standard/Hard)
Easy: any Healing Potion
Standard: r60-89
Hard: r70-89

Any category!
Easy: r34-79
Standard: r60-89
Hard: r70-89

Any category!
Easy: Not a possible symbol!
Standard/Hard: Items normally given out by other dailies and a chance at an avatar!


Kiko Pop

Kiko Pop / Guide

Awarded from Kiko Pop by popping a balloon to reveal the "?" paper. (Anecdotally, this only happens when playing on the Medium or Hard options.)

Released: August 29, 2014

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This page was written by JN Staff and last updated on August 27, 2024.

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