

Jellyneo now has its own Premium web service that you can add to your jnAccount for a monthly or yearly fee!* Now, you can get access to lots of special features and receive special perks that you can only get through the jnPremium web service. Keep reading below to check out some of the perks that your jnPremium service comes with. :)

* Pricing options vary and depend on the season.

Daily Neopets Alerts: Feb 12, 2025

All Day

Free Training: Lenny
Train your Lenny for free at the Academy today.


Snowager Sleeping
from 10:00 PM to 10:59 PM NST


Symol Hole Prize Window
from 4:57:00 PM to 4:59:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 5:57:00 PM to 5:59:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 6:57:00 PM to 6:59:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 7:57:00 PM to 7:59:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 8:57:00 PM to 8:59:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 9:57:00 PM to 9:59:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 10:57:00 PM to 10:59:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 11:57:00 PM to 11:59:59 PM NST