Jellyneo Convention - 2013
For the third year in a row, JN staffers held their annual jnCon and traveled down to sunny Los Angeles for a weekend of fun, including a visit with TNT! This year's attendees included: Dave, Suzuka, Rosie, Herdy, Ummy, Nick, noileh, and Perry.
This year's jnCon included a relaxing day touring the Huntington Gardens, gawking at the animals at the Los Angeles Zoo, experiencing Pasadena, and spending countless hours making a real-life version of Treasure Keepers. (Paper ripping ftw!) And of course, we topped off our trip with a day at TNT HQ!
After everyone arrived, it was time to start running around and picking up art supplies - as a group project, we'd decided to make a life-size version of a Treasure Keepers game board.
L: Ummy made this fancy pinata herself!
R: Herdy works on the game board
The game was worked on at night; by day, staff visited the Huntington Gardens and the LA Zoo.
L: noileh does a frilled lizard impression.
R: Nick, Dave, Ummy, and Herdy relax at the Huntington.
Perry took this photo of noileh, Dave, Suzuka, Herdy, Nick, Ummy, and Rosie at the LA Zoo
The project took a lot more time to complete than expected - Rosie, Nick, and Perry pulled an all-nighter to finish it on time! When it was done, though, it looked fantastic.
Dave shows off the Doglefox Topiary
The completed Treasure Keepers Box
Visiting TNT HQ was a fun experience both for returning staff and those on their first trip. Several members of TNT were on hand to welcome us, and all were very excited to receive the Treasure Keepers game and Jelly Kacheek pinata!
Discord between players!
The Moehog Knight made an appearance - and became a Caption Contest!
Everyone had special shirts - no question who this one belonged to!
Everyone was given a disposable camera (with varying results), and Dragona took the official digital pictures.
Fancy art on the walls, featuring Lord Kass and Dr. Sloth.
TNT had set up a fun scavenger hunt for us, so we got to explore and see fun details we would otherwise have missed.
After working so hard on the Treasure Keepers game, Rosie felt a lot like this Lupe.
Suzuka's shirt had the Zafara Double Agent on the back, so she needed a picture with the inspiration!
A box was placed in front of Dave - a present, just for him? When he opened it, he found the Esophagor statue Dragona had made and used in Caption Contests! Some jealousy ensued.
When art time rolled around, everyone got to request a picture of their favourite character from one of the artists. Dragona joined in, too, taking all requests!
L: Dragona drew an Ummagine Chia for Ummy before they really existed!
R: Suzuka requested Ylana Skyfire.
L: The Duchess from The Sway in progress.
R: Snarkie got a special drawing of Sloth.
Everyone got loyalty cards! With... certain restrictions.
We also each got a special matted print commemorating the visit.
The end of a wonderful day!