
Ye Olde Fishing Vortex

At Ye Olde Fishing Vortex (also known as Underwater Fishing), each of your Neopets is allowed to cast their line and fish up an item.

Fishing Limits

Your pet can cast a line at least once per day. There seems to be a cooldown period between successful catches, ranging from 2 hours to over 12 hours, but an exact time range is unknown. Each pet has an independent cooldown, which means even if one pet is on cooldown, your others will not be until they cast a line.


Each time your pet fishes at the cavern, there is a chance that their fishing skill will increase by one level, and as their level increases so does the list of items they could possibly hook. You can also increase their level (up to a maximum of 3 levels) by reading them the book Fishing Made Easy.

The maximum fishing level that your pet can obtain is 500. Whenever a Neopet is abandoned or transferred, their fishing level resets back to 1. If that same Neopet returns to an account where they had accumulated levels, those levels will be reinstated. In other words, your Neopets' fishing level records are locked to your account.

The fishing level for a pet can be found in the Fishing Skill section of the pet's lookup (


Below is a list of the items you can find at the Vortex, along with the minimum confirmed Skill Level your pet must be at in order to find them. If you'd like to see the information for these items, click on the item's name or image to be taken to its page in the Item Database.

At any level, it is also possible to fish up a Paint Brush, Petpet Paint Brush, Transmogrification Potion, or other rare items, although this is a very rare occurrence.

Fish and Squid


At around level 80, it is possible to catch a Titanic Giant Squid. Fishing up one of these will also net you an avatar!

Fishing - Titanic Squid

Fishing - Titanic Squid / Guide

Catch a Titanic Giant Squid in the Underwater Fishing Cavern.

Released: June 20, 2005

Note that it is not possible to borrow a pet with a >80 fishing level from another player, as a Neopet's fishing level is linked to the account, not the Neopet, and so will return to 1 if you abandon or transfer them to another account.

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This page was written by JN Staff and last updated on August 27, 2024.

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