
Festival of Neggs Event Guide


Festival of Neggs Y26 Header

Kari, the Negg Faerie, is hosting this year's Festival of Neggs again, this time she's back at Faerieland. Starting on April 22nd at 10:00am NST, Kari enlisted Neopians to find neggs hidden around Neopia. As in years' past, when found, Neopians are awarded with a choice of themed items.

The event will run for 16 days with the first 1.5 days counting as one, running through April 23rd. (The event runs through May 8th.) Refer to the official FAQ for more.

To begin participation, go to the FoN event page and click on Kari. Keep clicking through the conversation to receive the hint for the first negg location.

Negg Locations

During each day of the event, a new clue will appear at the bottom of the main Festival page to direct you to a new hidden negg location.

After finding each negg at the locations below, you will be offered the choice between three random neggs for your efforts (there are five possible neggs, but you will only have a choice of three per day).

Negg Collection Tip: If the location of a negg is a game or a daily, make sure to collect your prize from Kari first. The prompt to collect your prize may disappear if you play the game or complete the daily first.

April 22nd/23rd

Clue: It's the start of another festival, so I hid the neggs somewhere central. Near some treats that no one would call inedible.

Location: Neopian Fresh Foods

Discovery Text: You find the neggs just sort of placed on the counter.
Kari sort of shly [sic] picks them up. "Great job finding these! Which one would you like?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

April 24th

Clue: You'll easily find these neggs somewhere sweet if you think lakes are neat.

Location: Kiko Lake Treats

Discovery Text: The neggs are in a bowl next to some chocolate. Hopefully, the shopkeep wasn't about to cook them!
Kari pours the neggs out of the bowl. "Maybe a treat will help cheer me up...but first which negg do you want?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

April 25th

Clue: You'll sure be bouncy if you...ah, I can't think of a rhyme! The neggs are in the Roo Island Souvenirs shop.

Location: Roo Island Souvenirs

Discovery Text: Kari is already there holding the neggs.
Kari holds them out to you. "Sorry, about today. I'll do better tomorrow I promise. In the meantime, which negg do you want?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

April 26th

Clue: Our good friend Orion is here to help! The neggs are now hidden someplace no one should hear you yelp!

Location: Booktastic Books

Discovery Text: You cheer when you find the neggs hidden among the book stacks! Bernard, the shopkeeper, shushes you.
Kari picks up a book titled 'Space Exploration'. "Oh, Mira has been wanting me to read this. Maybe I'll buy it. After you pick a negg, of course."

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

April 27th

Clue: If you consider yourself a connoisseur of classical decor, you'll find these neggs where you go shopping galore!

Location: Chesterdrawers' Antiques

Discovery Text: The stash of neggs is hidden up high on an Ornate Chandelier.
Kari gets them down for you. "Of course, Orion hides some here, this is one of his favourite shops! Anyways, which negg do you want?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

April 28th

Clue: Surrounded by trinkets these neggs do lay, to find them you may have to talk to a shopkeeper who speaks in a peculiar way!

Location: Ugga Shinies

Discovery Text: Hoka smiles jokingly as you ask to see the neggs hidden behind his back.
Kari thanks him for keeping them safe as he gets back to work. "This is a very popular shop, I'm glad he kept these close by. Which negg would you like?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

April 29th

Clue: These neggs are protected by some of the most glorious buddies around. If you're lucky enough to take one home you won't be let down!

Location: Legendary Petpets

Discovery Text: A Hydruplit is guarding the stash as though it is his very own hoard.
Kari quickly replaces the neggs with lookalikes. "I wouldn't want him to be sad his first hoard was disrupted. Perhaps I'll also give him the neggs you don't choose."

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

April 30th

Clue: There's no need to take the neggs up as a sacrifice, but if you have a couple of stones you could throw them in for a price!

Location: Mystery Island Volcano

Discovery Text: The neggs are balanced precariously next to the edge of the volcano...
Kari has you walk a bit away from the volcano before talking. "I'll have to speak with Orion about ensuring your safety after this. But for now, choose a negg!"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 1st

Clue: Where delights are so enticing you'd sprout wings and fly, these neggs are next to some heavenly pie!

Location: Faerie Foods

Discovery Text: The scent of the Faerie Apple Pie they were next to is what drew you to these neggs right away!
The shopkeeper gives Kari the pie along with the neggs. Kari thanks her and turns to you. "Pie should lift my spirits some. Oh, here, choose a negg!"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 2nd

Clue: If all the merchandise has a small smile, you'll know you're close to finding the next negg pile!

Location: Brightvale Motery

Discovery Text: The shopkeep seems to have drawn smiley faces on them to help them blend in!
Kari cleans them up before talking with you. "Sorry if you liked the smiles, you can draw them back on after you pick one if you want."

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 3rd

Clue: Finding these neggs does not depend on your methodology, but if you know where you can find arms of quality!

Location: Wonderous Weaponry

Discovery Text: The negg stash is hidden amongst a barrel of weapons.
Kari carefully picks them all up. "Look at that! Not even a scratch. Which of the neggs would you like?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 4th

Clue: You can learn all the insights of those long-gone, after you find these neggs amongst parchments with curses upon.

Location: Sutek's Scrolls

Discovery Text: The neggs are wrapped up in papyrus.
Kari unwraps them. "Like opening a present! Which one do you want?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 5th

Clue: These neggs aren't by the seashore, but she does sell them for sure!

Location: Collectable Sea Shells

Discovery Text: The negg stash is inside a real big shell! You put your ear to it but can't hear the ocean. Perhaps cause you are already in it!
Kari grabs the neggs out of the shell. "In shell-ebration for all your hard work, you can now pick a negg!"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 6th

Clue: Sometimes the best offence is defence, so these neggs are up somewhere that will keep them safe no matter the expense.

Location: Space Armour

Discovery Text: You almost grab a Laugh Grenade before seeing the stash elsewhere in the shop.
Kari seems shaken from the grenade incident but shakes it off and holds up the neggs. "Which would you like?"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 7th

Clue: Hopefully, these neggs don't end up in a magical brew, or else we'll have to travel back in time to make them anew.

Location: Kayla's Potion Shop

Discovery Text: The neggs sitting amongst the potion bottles.
Kari seems distracted by all the potions but comes to and holds up the neggs. "There hasn't been any luck with potions helping with the grey, but you never know. For now, focus on choosing a negg!"

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

May 8th

Clue: Nothing gets the gears moving like a nice game of wit! You'll find these last neggs where you can try on the hottest new outfit!

Location: Cog's Togs

Discovery Text: Cog picks up around the shop as soon as you find the neggs hidden in a pile of clothes.
Kari holds the neggs up. "Good job! This means we are officially done with the negg search. That means once you pick the negg you want, we can return to Orion to see if he needs any more help."

Claim Text: Wow, what could be inside?

Negg Prizes

Finding each of Kari's Neggs on the first day they are available will grant a bonus at the end of the event, signified by gold checkmarks on the main event page next to each clue. All Neggs will remain available for the duration of the event and can be collected in any order after release.

After selecting a negg, you will be rewarded with a random prize specific to that negg type as seen below:

Glitch Negg Prizes

Glitch Negg

Grey Negg Prizes

Grey Negg

Plushie Negg Prizes

Plushie Negg

Spa Negg Prizes

Spa Negg

Time Travel Negg Prizes

Time Travel Negg

Orion's Quests

Starting on April 30th, talking with Orion again began a set of side quests to report any strange sightings. The dialogue suggests it will last for eight days with the task of finding a location of his visions once a day. If you've missed previous days, you can catch up all at once. There will be a prize for helping Orion, but it's unlikely there will be any additional bonus for finding the locations each day since this side quest's launch.

I...see things.

Upon discovering a vision location, you'll see either a foot or a tail of an unknown and possibly new Petpet on one side of the page, which you need to click.

What oh what could it be?!

Vision Locations

You may have to visit multiple locations for your daily sighting. It does not appear that any repeat over the eight days. The possible locations are:

After finding the foot or tail and clicking on it, there will be a popup indicating how many locations are left to go. Upon returning to Orion at the Festival hub, he will then mention a need to rest which means you're caught up for the day. If you had missed any previous days, you may need to revisit Orion in between finding the Petpet part at a location before moving on to the next location.

There is also an official FAQ.

Tuffala Discovery

On May 8th, after having previously found the petpet body-part at all eight of Orion's vision locations, visiting Moltara City and clicking near the base of Tangor's Workshop or the Moltara Obsidian Company tower (to the right of Town Hall) led to the discovery of another new Petpet species!

You enter a small, newly formed crevasse at the base of the building, and find a sort of cave at the bottom. It seems like this cavern must have been sealed up before the crack formed. Inside you discover a rather large petpet asleep by the flowing lava. Better bring it back to Orion to see if this has anything to do with his visions!

After returning to the festival hub and speaking to Orion, the new petpet was granted along with a lava instrument that was attached to her back.

Moltara Discoveries

Additionally, a new trophy was issued to your user lookup:

Orions Prophecies

These are not the final prizes for the whole event, rather just for participating in Orion's side quests. The final prizes will be released on May 9th.

Final Prizes

Final prizes for participating in this year's hunt became available on May 9th, 2024. To claim them, you must visit the Festival of Neggs hub.

For collecting all 16 neggs on their release day, you will receive the following items.


Congrats, you did it!

You solved all of Kari's clues and, in the process, found every single one of the negg stashes!

To reward your hard work, here are some wonderful prizes for you:

For finding all 16 neggs by the end of the event (not on release day, a.k.a. you have at least one green checkmark), you are awarded the following items, with the same text as above.

If you found at least one negg by the end of the event, but didn't actually finish, you are awarded the following item.


You managed to solve some of my clues! I'm giving you a prize for that good effort:
Final Prizes - Some Neggs

If you clicked through any of the dialogue but did not find any neggs, this still counts as "participation" and you saw the following.

Oh No!

It appears that you missed out on finding some neggs!

Don't stress about it too much. There's always next year!

All participants unlocked the original, non-Beta Festival of Neggs site theme (if not already unlocked in prior years).

Festival of Neggs Site Theme

And all participants also received a new avatar.

Grey Kari

Grey Kari / Guide

Awarded to users who participated in the 2024 Festival of Neggs.

Released: May 9, 2024

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Daily Neopets Alerts: Feb 6, 2025


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