Neopian Times Editorial Database
The Neopian Times Editorial is a (usually) weekly column hosted by The Neopets Team that answers questions direct from Neopians. Unfortunately, these Q&A's are not easily searched on the Neopets site, so we've created our own searchable database. Convenient for looking up past answers!
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Hi! I saw a Kadoatie at the Kadoatery who was requesting the Tomato Chia Wings wearable. I know it's sold at a food store but... I don't know if that should really count here. Is it meant to be like that? Or does the Kad I saw just have peculiar taste? (No offense, Whiskers!) ~xxstarl1ghtxx
Technically, the wings are indeed made out of fruits and veggies, so I guess the Kadoatie just wanted to see how they taste! Maybe I'll have to give them a try myself sometime! /half-joking ~~Stone
From Neopian Times, Issue 990 (Modern) · Published August 25, 2023 · JN Editorial ID: 21710