
Jellyneo's Halloween Costume Contest

Eighteenth Annual Costume Contest

Welcome to JN's Eighteenth Annual Neopets Costume Contest! For those who have not participated in our previous contests, our annual costume contest lets you dress up your pet for Halloween, and then Jellyneo users vote on the best costume! If you need some costume ideas, look no further than our wearable previews!

How It Works

When you have your costume ready, you can submit your dressed up pet to be considered for the contest. Throughout the submission period, the JN Staff will make sure each costume is following our contest rules. (See below!)

After that, we'll put all entries up for viewing, and then you'll get to vote for pets that you like. The top 75 pets will move on to round two, where you'll get to vote again for your favourites, and the top 30 will move into the final round of voting where you will vote for the best costume. The pet with the most votes will become the first place winner and have eternal bragging rights!

Contest Entry Rules

  1. You may enter one (1) of your Neopets.
  2. You will need a jnAccount to enter, so make sure that you register if you don't have one. (One submission/account per user, please. We're keeping our eyes out for multiples!)
  3. Your pet should have an actual costume. We won't approve pets that are wearing a hodgepodge of clothing with no theme.
  4. Wearable minimums and maximums:
    • A maximum of five (5) NC Mall items can be worn. (This includes any items that are labeled as Neocash on Neopets, whether from NC events, from the Mall, etc.)
    • Entrants must be wearing at least one (1) Neopoint wearable. No NC-only pets.
    • Your pet must be wearing a minimum of one (1) piece of actual clothing that is not a background, foreground, or trinket. (In other words, no naked pets!)
  5. Apart from the above wearable limitations, anything else that fits your pet is a go!
  6. If your pet earned a trophy in any of our previous costume contests, and you plan on re-entering that same pet, you must use a significantly different costume.

Once you submit your Neopet, we will review to ensure it's following the rules. Make sure everything is perfect when you press that submit button—when you submit, we save a copy of your Neopets' outfit, so you won't be able to make any modifications unless your entry is later rejected by our judges.

Dates To Remember

Here are the important dates for 2024's contest:

  • September 22nd - Submissions open. You can submit your pet here.
  • October 7th - Submissions close at 11:59pm NST.
  • October 8th - Round 1 voting begins midday.
  • October 16th - Top 75 pets move on to Round 2 and voting begins midday.
  • October 23rd - Top 30 pets move on to Round 3 and voting begins.
  • October 29th - Round 3 voting ends at 11:59pm NST, winners tabulated.
  • October 31st - Top picks are announced and receive much Halloween glory!

Daily Neopets Alerts: Feb 6, 2025


Snowager Sleeping
from 10:00 PM to 10:59 PM NST


Symol Hole Prize Window
from 6:48:00 PM to 6:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 7:48:00 PM to 7:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 8:48:00 PM to 8:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 9:48:00 PM to 9:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 10:48:00 PM to 10:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 11:48:00 PM to 11:51:59 PM NST