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Zafara Day Roundup

It's Zafara Day in Neopia—here's what's new:

Oil Paint

If you plan on creating a Oil Paint Zafara, check out our Modeling page, as we'll need your help!

Over at Unis Clothing, a new Vintage Boxer outfit is available:

Cog's Togs also has a new markings accessory:

Lastly, the school supply shop has a new pencil case for sale:

There are 29 comments below. Add yours!

Looks like the Boxer Draik has a new fighter in the boxing ring.

Also the new color looks super amazing!
by kacheekfan96 on February 3, 2025 5:35 PM NST
Dang, I quite like that oil paint. It's got an interesting mix of colours that looks better the longer you look at it. There's layers to it, and I'm a fan.
by thesign2 on February 3, 2025 5:37 PM NST
So pleased to see some manly togs for a Pet--so rare!

Love the Paint job.

Very fun markings, too.

Neat day.
by breezydreams on February 3, 2025 5:40 PM NST
I wonder what real life painting this oil paint job is based on? It flows nicely and I love the purple eyes and nose.

The cloths are nice and the pattern is decent
by hugsandtugsbear2 on February 3, 2025 6:04 PM NST
Ngl really disappointed with these.
But maybe I have too high of expectations for Zafara day now.
Just kind of lame when compared to what other pets get, like Xweetok day and so on.
Zafaras always getting the short end of the stick…
by solarboyaaron on February 3, 2025 6:36 PM NST
I like it but something is bothering me about the shirt and boxing glove layering.
All in all a good day for Zafaras
by pudgytanuki on February 3, 2025 6:42 PM NST
The tee shirt and the boxing glove don't even fit right on Zafara. One of the gloves comes out from the chest.
by stormmonarch on February 3, 2025 6:52 PM NST
Everything always makes me miss the old art. Everything would look so much better.
by infernodragon02 on February 3, 2025 7:01 PM NST
pretty sure the oil paint zafara is based on purple irises by van gogh. gorgeous
by felinegurl on February 3, 2025 7:16 PM NST
The oil paint is nice! The boxer outfit is a little iffy though... the layering is odd and I feel like the shirt is a slightly different style to the rest of the clothes which makes it stick out weirdly to me. I like the markings too, but feel like theres only a handful of paint colours that would suit it considering how much of the body it covers.
by kohhiai on February 3, 2025 7:40 PM NST
I'm not so sure about that. To me it looks like a landscape painting of purple mountains, green trees, a green and brown/orange field, and maybe a lake (and of course blue cloudy skies). I couldn't find a painting that exactly matched it, but then again a mountain landscape surrounded by trees and a lake is one of the most classic things to paint. "Remember, we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents".
by pikachu315111 on February 3, 2025 7:50 PM NST
Oooh! That Oil Paint color is really pretty. I like the body paint stuff, too.

Does Zafara get the boxing outfit because of the boxing kangaroo joke? Not really a fan of it (mainly because shirts on Zafaras always looks off), but I like the joke behind it.
by powerwingamber on February 3, 2025 8:44 PM NST
The shirt definitely looks really off... BUT I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that MAYBE its placement just needs to be shifted a few pixels to the right, based on how its ruff is clipping on the right and how the neckline on the left doesn't line up. The boxing gloves are pretty inexcusable though.
by thesign2 on February 3, 2025 9:15 PM NST
The shirt looks like they asked an AI to create a shirt for it.
by weirdee on February 4, 2025 12:07 AM NST
Not that they actually did ask an AI to do it. It's just that they somehow achieved the same result as if they did not know what a shirt is before trying to put one on a Zafara.
by weirdee on February 4, 2025 12:09 AM NST
Oil Paint is a pretty colour, but does it mean the Neopet needs to wear an oil painting? I thought they became a pet in such a style. This is just far too busy and won't work with many customisation options, I'm sure..

That boxer is so bad. So. So bad. The moustache is nice, but the rest? As @weirdee points out, that shirt might as well have been created by some AI machine. It's boring, it's bland and it does not look right. But those boxing gloves are even worse. Sure, they might get layered properly in the future, but that won't change the fact that they don't look right at all! And why make the pants and shoes one wearable, rather than separate pieces?
Poor Zafaras...

Those spots are okay, I guess? At least when used on a brownish pet.
by apophis324 on February 4, 2025 1:01 AM NST
I'm not sure about this but I think for those asking about the painting. It looks like one of Dr Atl. He was a mexican painter, he mostly did volcanoes.
by adridiez on February 4, 2025 6:35 AM NST
I'm inclined to agree with pikachu. While the colours of van Gogh's Purple Irises is very similar, the actual painting on the Zafara looks more like a red earth path, with maybe some water, a tree (in the arm), waving wheat fields, purple mountains and a blue cloudy sky, all done in the (post)-impressionism style. Haven't been able to find a clear source material, unfortunately.

Aside, the markings look like mud splatters to me, and the fluffy bits do not mesh well with most existing colours. Not a fan.
by woodstocki on February 4, 2025 7:15 AM NST
I like the oil painting color. Rather intriguing.

The boxer is a nice idea, but not well executed. As some have said, there are some funky clipping errors with regards to the shirt and gloves.

I very much dislike the markings as, to me, they do not suggest 'fluffy' at all, rather that the Zafara has been rolling around in a mud puddle. The little details inserted to make the markings 'fluffy' just do not work.

Now, there's nothing wrong with creating mud puddle markings, but calling the markings "fluffy" just does NOT fit.
by kirin on February 4, 2025 10:13 AM NST
I'm sure it's based on another animal judging by some of the more rosette-looking markings, but it tickles me that the Fluffy wearable looks like a red merle (as it's known in dogs) zaf. 😂 I might have to grab one, it looks really good on steampunk!

I like the style of the Vintage Boxer pants even if the outfit is awkward. (I mean. Zafara clothes. 😔)

I don't recognize the Oil Paint color as any particular painting but that might be my own ignorance. The landscape has that very stroke-y Van Gogh look, but the sky is more mottled? Interesting!
by gun on February 4, 2025 10:55 AM NST
Minor issues aside, at least Zafaras weren't done dirty like poor Kacheeks on their day
by xaanterra on February 4, 2025 11:50 AM NST
@xaanterra: yeah, it's unfortunate that they cursed a whole color option with that design instead of it being an outfit like for the Zafara.
by weirdee on February 4, 2025 11:54 AM NST
Wow. I've never been a fan of Oil Paint as a color (or of Zafaras, for that matter), but this one is absolutely gorgeous. Congrats, Zafara lovers! The outfit is also amazing.
by neolodgeism on February 4, 2025 12:52 PM NST
I don't favor that paint color.
by katina_choovanski on February 4, 2025 1:53 PM NST
I like the oil paint, although I feel that the white muzzle is out of place. I’m not super familiar with paintings but it looks probably a dirt road winding through grassy pastures with purple mountains rising in the background.
The boxer set has some nice pieces, especially the mustache.
The markings just look like the Zafara is dirty to me, like Pigpen became a Zafara.
by cat on February 4, 2025 3:18 PM NST
Also I’d asked for a tail flame so I’m sad now.
by cat on February 4, 2025 3:30 PM NST
wow, some masc clothing finally... but, surprise surprise -- no wig...
male pets.... 5ever doomed to be bald.
by inkpot on February 4, 2025 6:03 PM NST
Didn't have any set desires for this day but I agree that the paint color's probably the only good thing that came out of it.

The boxing outfit doesn't click with me, but I also don't see the "vintage" look to it (in my defence, I've never been fond of combat sports, or sports in general, unless it was robot combat; And then I'm sure boxers and wrestlers even have their different entrance styles - maybe?). At least it has a mustache, I suppose. xD

Also a plus to see more masculine outfits, yes. Just a shame it looks odd.
by dusk on February 4, 2025 8:13 PM NST
Really underwhelmed with these, especially compared to other species days. Anniversary zafara would've been better
by meredith_eldridge on February 5, 2025 1:43 AM NST

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