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Neopets Mobile App Survey

Yesterday, Neopets sent out an email with a link to a survey about a potential future app. This one focuses on the idea of an 'Idle Clicker' game. These are games based around grinding through clicking, such as Cookie Clicker.

Note that this appears to be a concept developed by a partner company, rather than internally by TNT themselves. As part of the survey, TNT have uploaded a Youtube video of some basic sample gameplay.

There are 50 comments below. Add yours!

I hate that all they care about is pumping out the most uninspired, generic, been done a million times before, antiquated mobile games. Mobile gaming has evolved so much in the past almost two decades and they're still acting like they're designing for 2008 early App Store gaming. I get they want a quick buck, but there's no way their mobile games are making profit compared to the cost of making them (and remaking and rereleasing them 30 different times)
by obaraten on January 23, 2025 7:12 AM NST
@obaraten // To be fair, it's a third party that would be developing the app. I do agree though that the mobile games they've released leave much to be desired. I'd love to see a Chia Bingo game (who doesn't like Bingo) or turn one of the 3 slots games into a mobile game.

Idle clickers are an odd choice. I like some mobile idle games that you can pick up and play when you're waiting in line for something or only have a few minutes but idle clickers...I just don't understand the allure but they seem to be popular across various platforms.
by jawsch on January 23, 2025 7:41 AM NST
Okay so they can use the keyquest music in their video promo but can't just give us keyquest?!?
by chesampson on January 23, 2025 7:45 AM NST
If they go through with this I hope they change it to a more Cookie Clicker style, maybe with something themed around making Neggs. I know it was just a sample, but the gameplay with us feeding the omelette (??) felt really random and uninspired.
by darella on January 23, 2025 7:50 AM NST
One thing I found interesting is that they mentioned games that aren't clickers in the survey (June's Journey, Vampire Survivors). I wonder if they're thinking about making something similar to those in the future. Hopefully that's not the case because I feel like we already have enough mobile games that should already take enough resources to keep optimized and updated. I think they should shift the focus on developing new games for the site instead, I really miss having something new to play there.
by darella on January 23, 2025 8:04 AM NST
i refuse to even think about any external / third party app! it is a huge opportunity for yet another hack n more mining for data; period!
by oceanblueh2o_7 on January 23, 2025 8:21 AM NST
If TNT is that bored; fix L & L ... an awesome game to keep the brain engaged
by oceanblueh2o_7 on January 23, 2025 8:23 AM NST
i do think the upside to these mobile games, as uninspired as they are, is that the potential to earn more site rewards is slowly warming me up to neopass. a suite of games where i can earn exclusive items does sound appealing, even if a lot of them are just crappy mobile games.

besides, if we keep egging them on maybe they'll make a fortnite clone with a battle pass, and that would be very funny.
by darlingsenpai on January 23, 2025 8:41 AM NST
Some of these answers really need a "none of these apply" option. I do not play any mobile games and while I do own home consoles there are plenty of people who play mobile games, but don't own consoles. I get that the survey is trying to figure out is what Kind of game people want, but it sounds like your data is gonna be a little more skewed in a way that's pretty preventable.
by mercy_graves on January 23, 2025 8:59 AM NST
I would like to see a mobile Keyquest game
by chiabean on January 23, 2025 9:22 AM NST
I would like to see a mobile Keyquest game
by chiabean on January 23, 2025 9:23 AM NST
I just want an adventure Steam game without microtransactions
by spongegrundo on January 23, 2025 9:31 AM NST
Or bring back The Darkest Faerie game
by spongegrundo on January 23, 2025 9:33 AM NST
Did they just use Habitarium music in that example video just to spite us or what
by biediep on January 23, 2025 9:49 AM NST
Yep make a habitarium game and I will sign up for neopass
by premium17 on January 23, 2025 10:02 AM NST
Ugh, more mobile apps and stuff. I'll stick with my ancient desktop, thanks
by contessa on January 23, 2025 10:02 AM NST
I want something that has an actual story or at least something more engaging than clicking.
by solar_storm on January 23, 2025 10:18 AM NST
I got that email and filled out the survey. I stated that I don't want a mindless clicking game, I want a story driven game or to at least feel like my actions contribute to something. I recommended that they convert Habitarium, KeyQuest, and Treasure Keepers to mobile games if they want to make mobile games so dang much.
by jadesage on January 23, 2025 10:56 AM NST
I wish they'd invest resources into fixing the games that exist on site. Maybe build a spiritual successor to KQ and/or Habi.
by novapulser on January 23, 2025 10:58 AM NST
Keyquest or Habitarium seem fitting for mobile games, I would love them. Barely any other option is a no from me. I never bothered to even learn what Faerie Fragments are, for example.
by kirisame on January 23, 2025 11:09 AM NST
I could see a Clicker game happening. I would also love to see a Merge type game featuring new species of Pets, A game similar to Monopoly Go but with Petpets (Instead of tokens. Also, No vaults and raiding other buildings. Instead, Petpet Battles and stealing NeoPoints), A mansion decorating game and most of all, How about a Super Auto Pets like game with once again, Petpets.
by kacheekfan96 on January 23, 2025 11:12 AM NST
clawing at the doors of tnt hq to make a remake of the darkest faerie ps2 game. this is what we all want, actual games. not mobile micro transaction slop
by theelementsofharmony on January 23, 2025 11:41 AM NST
Unfortunately, unless they gain more connections or luck into working with somebody with both the talent and drive to make something cool, they're scraping the bottom of the barrel because that's all they have to work with.
by weirdee on January 23, 2025 11:44 AM NST
Imagine TNT constantly saying they’re a new small company, they’re planning great things for the game, they hear the players, they only need a little push. And after ALL that gibberish they are laughing at their player base again and again. I can not deal with them wasting more money on another copycat of an app just worst.
by witchcottoncandy on January 23, 2025 11:55 AM NST
god this looks like such a waste of time
by purrmeister on January 23, 2025 12:46 PM NST
Very kindly and calmly rated their nonsense with a 0. Neopets is a vastly complex and indepth gaming experience and they're offering a clicker? That is so disconnected from its player base.
by zag on January 23, 2025 12:50 PM NST
Yes a mind numbing cookie clicker will save the site. Please. At least legends and letters had lore and was kind of interesting and had more on-site interaction than all of these apps combined. How about an actual neopets app. No more random games
by cuddlytoaster on January 23, 2025 12:52 PM NST
by gnostichkdum on January 23, 2025 12:52 PM NST
This looks awful, and I don't mind wasting some time playing some pretty subpar games...
by quailbat on January 23, 2025 12:54 PM NST JN Staff
This is the worst idea I've seen them field for a while. Ugly, uninspired copycat game. What are they thinking?
by neolodgeism on January 23, 2025 1:19 PM NST
Yeah, Cuddlytoaster - I really loved Legends and Letters. It's so annoying they make these bad games while killing the good ones. EVERYONE HAS BEEN BEGGING FOR A KEYQUEST REMAKE. Why are they asking us if we want garbage instead?

by neolodgeism on January 23, 2025 1:20 PM NST
Why wasn't there a "$0" option for the amount that I spend on mobile games? I've gotten through all the FF levels and have done almost half of them again on champion mode without spending a dime... and I certainly don't intend to change that behaviour. Especially not for something like this.
by shaquira on January 23, 2025 1:30 PM NST
Games like this are designed to get rid of what's left of our attention span. They seem to be based on the idea that doing anything is better than nothing, even if that thing is mindless, pointless, menial.
by pikasuno on January 23, 2025 1:49 PM NST
Watched the demo out of curiosity... I would give it give it a negative score if that was possible on the "how much did this entice me to play it" meter. Not really much going on there, hard pass.
by mooglequeen on January 23, 2025 1:52 PM NST
This is just an incredibly terrible idea, I'm baffled. And the habi/kq soundtrack in the video makes it even worse.
by thecrazyoo on January 23, 2025 2:10 PM NST
All I want is Habitarium back
by lookatdapuppy on January 23, 2025 2:15 PM NST
I understand that they're making apps to appeal to investors, but if they focus their energy on an actually widely appealing mobile app, they could make one that is profitable. Investors would love that!
by coolkaius on January 23, 2025 2:21 PM NST
Hype they decided to include music from The Darkest Faerie OST.

But... this looks like utter garbage. Let's just work on the mobile games that are ALREADY out which are in absolute SHAMBLES right now.
by x_snake_man_x on January 23, 2025 2:40 PM NST
What garbage It looks so boring abd uninspired. Just something that has been done before and in a way that no one wants. If they want to take ideas that already exist why not just bring back Keyquest like we all want? They said before that the code is a mess on the site and it would take too much to bring it back supposedly... SO JUST SKIP THAT PART AND MAKE IT AN APP? Especially if they want to make mobile apps already. Why just throw ideas out there and ask if we want if when they can just say "hey what do you want in a mobile game?' and go from there? Heck not only do we want Keyquest but I can see it easily fitting into modern mobile world of microtransactions. Not that I want microtransactions but hey just saying the appeal can be there for both them and us!
by moosenalley on January 23, 2025 2:47 PM NST
I was so hyped when Dom took over and it looked like things were turning around, but man. The last eight months or so have just been so uninspired and lacklustre.
by khaytra on January 23, 2025 3:01 PM NST
Ghoul Catchers AND Faerie Fragments are just Candy Crush wannabes, which was sad enough,
But now we're getting a game where all you do is tap the screen?
People actually download garbage like that?

If you MUST make more mobile games, at least make something good.
I never got to play Legends & Letters because it was never available in my area (so I'm SO glad they made the stamp trade-able) so Idk how good or bad that was, but I haven't booted up Tales of Dacardia in months because I just don't care for that game at all.

I really wish they'd focus more on PC/console games instead.
They know how badly we all want Keyquest back.
Yea yea, they lost the code or assets or whatever. It was made from scratch once, it can be done again.
Doesn't need to be identical to the original. I realize that'd be quite different and harder to develop than a *tap tap tap* mobile game, but it would be WELL worth it.
Make it available on-site and/or on Steam, plus on all the latest consoles and make it have cross-platform matchmaking, then put all the tokens in the NC mall and start raking in the money.
Not only that, but I'm sure they'd see a lot of returning players because of it.

All these mobile apps they keep throwing at us are boring, people lose interest after a month tops and even TNT themselves discontinues one after the other of them.
by biediep on January 23, 2025 3:07 PM NST
It's unfortunate that their best mobile game (imo) remains Ghoul Catchers, despite just being a skin swap. And even that one's just a solid 5/10. This clicker "game" looks god awful.
by jchunli on January 23, 2025 3:14 PM NST
I've fallen off clicker games (but used to be fairly into them) and am probably not the correct audience for this, but... that looks so boring. Also, "What do you enjoy the most about Neopets?" as a mandatory question means that I'm not filling out that survey, sorry.
by arktus on January 23, 2025 3:33 PM NST
I like to think Neopets, the website itself, is better than some mindless, bottom-of-the-barrel clicker game clone but I guess TNT/investors said no you should tap a screen instead huh
by galaxyeyes on January 23, 2025 3:52 PM NST
The only thing to come out of this is me learning about Cookie Clicker's existence, and let's just say the past 2 days of my life were a bit wasteful...
by dave on January 23, 2025 5:07 PM NST JN Staff
Dom's an NFT bro through and through, what hope was there ever?
by fenix on January 23, 2025 5:12 PM NST
the heck kind of game is that!? Who actually plays that game?

Most of my coworkers play things like Candy Crush

I play games like Pokemon GO, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, Cat Collector, Pokemon TCG Pocket
by hugsandtugsbear2 on January 23, 2025 6:27 PM NST
Oh I should've mentioned Habitarium in my survey answers. That was a great idle game because you could leave the tab open as you played/browse and get stuff. I don't know why they keep trying to make new game ideas when they can try porting the Games Room games to mobile. I would play Sutek's Tomb and Sewage Surfer all day on my phone if I could. They're making new assets for these mobile games anyway, and a lot of the games on the site aren't exactly unique. The HTML versions are often buggy on my phone, so a dedicated Neopets Game Room app would be so amazing. Even if it didn't have all the games, I'd be more excited about that than trying to feed Cool Neggs to a non-sentient omelette.
by coryldork on January 23, 2025 6:46 PM NST
Mobile versions of Key Quest and Habitarium would be great; both of them have existing groundwork to follow, AND existing monetization options that were already present in the original versions (Key Quest tokens would still sell well considering the skin/customization models of other F2P games).
by lasergu on January 23, 2025 8:03 PM NST
Wait, I just came up with something. If they took Neoquest and converted that into an idle clicker format, I think they could make Neoquest less tedious while actually providing a hook for an idle clicker game.
by weirdee on January 25, 2025 12:53 PM NST

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