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Premium Fortune Cookies + Neopies Bonuses

A few interesting Premium announcements have dropped today in the news:

Hey there Neopians! More rewards are coming soon to Premium Subscription members! Premium Subscribers will now get a FREE monthly fortune cookie starting in February. Additionally, for the upcoming Neopies event, subscribers will also be given a bonus item each time they vote during the event!

Stay tuned for even more rewards coming out this year!

First, the previously announced monthly fortune cookies are finally arriving! This perk was announced back in June. It's still not known exactly what kinds of Fortune Cookies will be given out. If you're not familiar with the existing NC fortune cookies, check out our guide for an overview:

Second, Premium members will also be receiving a bonus item in the upcoming Neopies event each time they vote. Again, no specifics have been announced for what kind of items will be awarded and whether or not they will be exclusive. UPDATE, ~6PM NST: TNT have just published an official Neopies FAQ, which includes a question that explains this a bit further:

How do the Prize Pools work?

Each time you vote for a Category, you will receive a random prize from the Neopies Prize Pool. It consists of many prizes, but once you receive a certain kind, you should not receive it again, so you don't have to worry about repeat prizes. If you are a Premium subscriber, you will also receive an extra prize for each vote from the Premium Neopies Prize Pool. This prize pool consists of only 27 items, so while which prize you get per vote will be random, if you vote for each category, you are guaranteed to get all prizes from within!

The official FAQ also states that Neopies voting will begin on February 1st (which is a Saturday this year) and last through February 28th, with the final winner announced on March 3rd.

There are 46 comments below. Add yours!

Really curious to see if we'll get to choose from existing cookies, get one at random, or if it'll be an entirely new cookie. If it's existing ones I do hope we get to pick the one we want so we don't have to "waste" a gift box swapping them with other players If it's something new I wonder what it'll do!

No mention of the goodie bags returning, so that's..interesting D:
by biediep on January 20, 2025 3:42 PM NST
That will though cells...
by gnostichkdum on January 20, 2025 3:59 PM NST
Retired avatars or riot
by leek on January 20, 2025 4:28 PM NST
Great! To make it worth the price we definitely need more perks for premium. I loved getting the extra prizes from the advent calendar. Just makes game play more exciting and fun in my opinion.
by rachel_bachel_hachel on January 20, 2025 4:29 PM NST
still not enought o want to pay for a mambership. i sub to gqaia online and i get free prmium curency and a lits of things that make it so so much easier to playbut this is lame the tool ar isent even therr u have to fgo to a seporate page i tryed ppremuin in december not impressed
by izzyx2 on January 20, 2025 4:40 PM NST
As someone who has never used a Fortune Cookie, I look forward to these!
by murpha21 on January 20, 2025 4:57 PM NST
this makes me happy
by helovias on January 20, 2025 5:31 PM NST
"Additionally, for the upcoming Neopies event, subscribers will also be given a bonus item each time they vote during the event!" Neopets becoming more pay-to-play by the month. I miss immersive advertising. This is a kick in the teeth to poor neopians who can't afford premium right now.
by morganjoisle on January 20, 2025 5:47 PM NST

As a longtime Premium player, I am very happy that TNT is giving us more perks.
by cornflakes on January 20, 2025 5:51 PM NST
They also made the SSW show up on every single new layout page, which is a massive plus.

That said, it would be really nice if they'd keep doing the goodie bags, kinda the only reason I signed up, since it's a good way of re-releasing retired and rare items.
by ededdeddy12345226 on January 20, 2025 5:58 PM NST
The extra items thing really sucks and feels too pay to play for me

I'm fine with premium getting advantages and expect that (even the rare monthly items), but the extra items for events like AC and now neopies is really disappointing to me. It would be different if they were no trade or whatever, but....

I guess it doesn't matter what I think, though...
by teresa on January 20, 2025 6:00 PM NST
*Not sure if want* Fry gif
by amber_hawk14 on January 20, 2025 6:21 PM NST
Cool, glad for more perks for being premium for years
by hugsandtugsbear2 on January 20, 2025 6:31 PM NST
I'm looking forward to this. It's one of my favorite events.
by josie on January 20, 2025 6:41 PM NST
Yay, I love this!
by horses_46569 on January 20, 2025 6:55 PM NST
Uh I think they might have broken something with premium. We are getting ads now
by keighty7 on January 20, 2025 7:11 PM NST
Why am I getting ads with premium now?
by bbarkus on January 20, 2025 7:14 PM NST
Super happy with this update!

That said I wish they would make Neopass more valuable by making it so side accounts tied to a main account with Premium get the 4 extra pet slots per side account, just like on main.
by heznarrt on January 20, 2025 7:51 PM NST
I vastly prefer this method of premium bonus items, assuming it works the same as the advent calendar where the special items are just regular NP items.

If you're premium, you can sell them if you don't want them, and if you're not, you can buy them from someone else; the stamps from the AC are hovering around "not dirt cheap, but totally manageable if stamps are really what you're being completionist about". Nobody's just flat locked out of getting them like they would be if they were no-trade or if they were NC items*.

(*I know NC trading is pretty easy and you get free gift boxes on your main, but consider that you need a desirable item to trade, so you need to have at least some NC to spend in the first place + you need to find a trade manually on the boards; there are a LOT of people who will balk at that. When you're only talking to people who are already talking, it's easy to forget how many people are lurkers.)
by plaguemd on January 20, 2025 8:32 PM NST
I don't mind Premium getting extra, but I dislike it when/if TNT downgrades the prizes for non- premium players to make premium prizes look better.
by stormmonarch on January 20, 2025 8:40 PM NST
Worth pointing out there's also a Premium bonus prize for voting day of for the entire event, just like the regular prizes. (FAQ: Do I have to vote for all of the categories that are up on a certain day?)
by imlostnthought on January 20, 2025 8:54 PM NST
by androponix on January 20, 2025 9:27 PM NST
Too bad some of us can't get premium. Not for lack of trying, tried during the advent calendar but the site wouldn't let me. Tried different cards and even got in contact with TNT and got no help. It has even gotten impossible for me to buy NC.
by lucky444407 on January 20, 2025 9:46 PM NST
@lucky444407 If you are on mobile, try loading the page in desktop view. It should be an option in your mobile browser. It's the only way that I can do certain things on mobile.
by neolodgeism on January 21, 2025 12:30 AM NST
So, everyone gets the same items but it's just a matter of who gets lucky and gets the desirable items early so they can sell it for the most NP, then buy it back near the end of the event when everyone's gotten theirs and it's all deflated
by biediep on January 21, 2025 1:09 AM NST
Yay, more ads for premium! Isn't it great when 90% of a news page is dedicated to something that makes TNT money? Premium, NC stuff.. It's all way more prevalent than new things us non-payers can buy
by apophis324 on January 21, 2025 1:11 AM NST
Again, I'm very glad that premium subscribers are getting more perks, but I wish this didn't come at the expense of showing me the prize I could be getting if I subbed. Yeah, I can just sub or trade for it, the daily reminder just slightly overstays its welcome. Again, this is what they should be doing.
by mercy_graves on January 21, 2025 1:34 AM NST
If there’s 27 items in the pool and you have to vote on every single category to unlock them, I’m wondering if premium giving bonus prizes is just giving two items from the pool instead of one so premium users don’t have to vote every single time to get them all? So really just relaxing expectations? Or if it’s an actual NEW bonus item just for premium like advent calendar?
by doethedragon on January 21, 2025 5:36 AM NST
@doethedragon: They're separate pools. "Do I get a prize for voting? -
Yes! You'll receive a random prize from the Neopies Prize Pool for every category you vote for. If you are a Premium subscriber, you will also receive an extra bonus prize from a unique Premium Neopies Prize Pool."

They're gonna get me on Premium for February. I'm not sure what the fortune cookies will do, but I'm hoping they continue with the Goodie Bag. However, I hope that it isn't so wearable-heavy like the Advent Calendar was. 23 of the Premium prizes were wearable, and while I liked some of them, customization isn't my main activity on the site.

I'd rather pay TNT <$12 CAD for the month than have to deal with ads and immersive advertising. My time is more valuable than sitting through an annoying advertisement to try and get an item. I'll never understand why people complain about a business promoting their paid services on their own website.
by coryldork on January 21, 2025 6:09 AM NST
Have to agree with coryldork, I'm glad to be getting some extra perks for being premium. Neopets is a business not a charity, they need to make money to stay afloat or we all lose our accounts if they go bankrupt...
by bbydoll_ on January 21, 2025 7:53 AM NST
"Neopets is a business not a charity" this is well known - they remind us monthly with their merch drops.
by felinegurl on January 21, 2025 8:33 AM NST
@bbydoll_ Funny, I have a t-shirt from Cakeworthy that would imply that the site is supposed to be free to play.
"neopets is the greatest new community on the internet.
Games Chat and more.
Best of all it's completely
Sign up Now!"
by morganjoisle on January 21, 2025 10:59 AM NST
It's incredibly frustrating seeing all this pay-to-play stuff rubbed in my face. I AM someone who has supported the site before, but I'm not in a financial situation to be subbing to premium at the present moment in time. I have neopets merch. I used to have premium. I spent way too much on Neocash over the years. I'm not anti-giving Neopets money, I understand that they need money to float, but at the end of the day the site itself is supposed to still be enjoyable for free players. Neopets used to pride itself on being free and never doing banner ads, but instead having cool advertising methods like immersive advertising. I want more of that and less "haha you're poor" when I click on the gosh-darned Advent Calendar.
by morganjoisle on January 21, 2025 11:03 AM NST
As someone who isn't, never have been and probably won't ever be premium... I honestly don't see anything wrong with this. I'm glad the new team is searching for ways to make the game more profitable! Shouldn't that be what we want, if we wish to continue playing Neopets? I don't understand why so many people seem to be against a business being a business (who, mind you, isn't a huge corporation or anything).
by darella on January 21, 2025 1:20 PM NST
Sure, this is nice and all, but why isn't March 3rd canceled due to lack of interest?
by butterflyvj on January 21, 2025 3:09 PM NST
I miss when Neopets made money with sponsor games...
by spongegrundo on January 21, 2025 3:52 PM NST
I'm unsure why my comments of "a reminder to subscribe is fine because that's how the site is able to stay open but I'm broke and it feels bad to be told daily exactly what I'm missing" are always causing people to weigh in that clearly, I must not want to support the site. That's a whole new sentence.
by mercy_graves on January 21, 2025 5:12 PM NST
Also the Viacom-era of Neopets making money with low-quality sponsor games that I never played was worse than paying to support the site, thank you.
by mercy_graves on January 21, 2025 5:13 PM NST
I loved the sponsor games, they were fun! Aww.
by solsticesprite on January 21, 2025 6:07 PM NST
Anyone wanna place any bets that the people with Premium will receive one or two new stamps?
by apophis324 on January 21, 2025 11:51 PM NST
I'm fine with this, I just hope they won't release any more NEW stamps, avatars or collectibles JUST to premium users. They released NEW stamps in AC, and free players struggled to buy them because hoarders bought them all and then inflated the prices (I managed to buy the first one, not the second one because they got sold quick and inflated even quicker). I'm okay If they gift to premium users old, expensive stamps or collectibles that will be put back into economy and helping it, I'm not okay with newly created collectible items and avatars being given to premium users... that stinks too much of "pay to win". Not that TNT will care about my opinion on the matter, people that can afford premium usually don't care about these who can't and people in TNT's eyes are just walking dollars bills... and just dollars, because countries outside us and canada apparently do not exist. :/
by sinthr on January 22, 2025 1:16 AM NST
@sinthr: You can bet your behind that it's going to happen again. Just you wait, new stamps are in the making~!
by apophis324 on January 22, 2025 4:53 AM NST
Curious question; but for people saying it's pay-to-win, what are you trying to win? I'm a little confused. There is no real 'winning' in neopets for me. It's just collecting cool stuff and being a nerd with it to me.
by helovias on January 22, 2025 6:26 AM NST
Ah I see, the stamps. Ok ok I can get behind that. Sorry, didn't read allll the way down.
by helovias on January 22, 2025 6:27 AM NST
I understand some people's frustration with this kind of pay-for-play, but it's an efficient way to bring in more revenue for TNT.

No one will lose out on prizes, but some people will get 1 extra per day. I don't think it's unfair, honestly. It's a good way to maintain their budget — this team needs to grow, especially the devs lol
by allanmennezess on January 22, 2025 11:16 AM NST
They usually have other events that are paid versions of the free ones so idk why they don't just give access or discounts towards those. And I get they need money. But I thought it was a bad idea them releasing 2 new stamps to premium only users in the advent calendar and also the regular advent calendar prizes also went down in quality this year. The year before was great. Or if they had 1 prize pool but premium gets 2 prizes a day I would prefer that idea because they can still sell items for np but the items wouldnt be so exclusive and inflated. Since neopets is against ppl buying np on black market sites yet they are pretty much letting ppl buy np by getting premium. They pretty much might as well let ppl buy np in the mall at this point
by twinkle_jazz on January 22, 2025 8:42 PM NST

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