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Elephante Day Roundup

Happy Elephante Day! It's time to celebrate this Neopet with a new colour and clothing.

Polka Dot

If you plan on creating a Polka Dot Elephante, check out our Modeling page, as we'll need your help!

Over at Cog's Togs, the latest exhibit at the museum has been added:

If you're feeling nutty, you can find a new accessory for all pets at Uni's Clothing:

And last but not least, something that might be too cute to eat:

There are 20 comments below. Add yours!

That Elephante looks like he's got the NeoPox
by kacheekfan96 on January 16, 2025 4:33 PM NST
Neopets: where we post display photos of a purse that is incorrectly layered on the pet so that it is levitating without any support
by weirdee on January 16, 2025 4:33 PM NST
Pretty sure the polka dot was inspired by the elephant toy that’s on The Island of Misfit Toys in the stop motion Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer movie
by nightshadeswiftswing on January 16, 2025 4:36 PM NST
As a side note, the Polka Dot Elephante pb color is based on the toy elephant from the Rankin/Bass Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
by weirdee on January 16, 2025 4:36 PM NST
Interesting Misfit Elephant color, there. At first I thought it was based on a Heffalump, though. XD

Always a big fan of the museum skeleton outfits! Never can have too many of those.
by powerwingamber on January 16, 2025 5:08 PM NST
I would have jumped on a polka dot Elephante with multicoloured dots like most of the other 'pets in that colour do. While I like the reference to the Island of Misfit Toys movie, I would have much preferred multicolour dots!
by purplewarf on January 16, 2025 5:46 PM NST
OMG I NEED THAT ELEPHANTE!! I'm sad that others don't like it. I think it's absolutely adorable!!
by neolodgeism on January 16, 2025 5:47 PM NST
The anatomy on the museum bugs me—there shouldn't be bones in the ears at all, nor in the wing feathers. Polka Dot is cute though!
by dragonair23 on January 16, 2025 6:11 PM NST
Every time a pretty new wearable is released my heart sinks a little because in no time at all it will be inflated to millions of NPs.
by josie on January 16, 2025 6:24 PM NST
this is really what I was hoping for from the Polka Dot Elephante, yay!
by temptesque on January 16, 2025 6:59 PM NST
Why on earth is the little tail bone a separate item?
by purplebin on January 16, 2025 7:16 PM NST
Why not choose a mammoth display for the Elephante clothes?
by butterflyvj on January 16, 2025 8:32 PM NST
As Kacheekfan96 said, that Elephante should get itself checked at the NeoHospital, stat. Do it now, before the Void bursts open and we have to deal with those shifts again! (I don't care if it's once again based on something I don't know, this Elephante looks ill!)

The museum display.... I don't know, there's so much I'm not quite sure I like.. As Purplebin says: Why is the tailbone separate of all things? And why does this one have tusks? Most Elephantes don't have tusks! And this might be some prehistoric version (Tyrannian if you will), but still it looks odd.. Just like the rest of those teeth..
But hey, at least this time they chose to look at the Transparent Elephante and alter that, instead of coming up with an entirely new bone structure~!
by apophis324 on January 17, 2025 12:22 AM NST
I'm a little disappointed with the new Elephante options. Polka Dot makes them look sick (Even if I knew the thing it is based on, I would probably still think it looks sick), and there is so much wrong with that Museum version. I tend to like museum versions, not this one. Apart from the wing bones and those pincer tusks, those ears should just be cartilage, not bone.
by woodstocki on January 17, 2025 4:21 AM NST
I find the polka dot really charming - the surgical mask / scrubs-blue really does go with the spots to connotate hospital, lol! I think it'd be fun for Neopets' magic designs to theme things to jobs, like this Elephante works in the vaccines ward, snot neopet dispenses for cold medication, transparent guy does X-rays... Given how much things like poxes scar I think it'd be nice to have someone who's spotty for fun in charge of a ward.

The little pastries are the cutest things ever :>
by karen_mckenzie on January 17, 2025 10:41 AM NST
Love the polka dot! Myssfit has been waiting for the polka dot color!!
by blueivy18 on January 17, 2025 11:30 AM NST
Aww I wish the base color for the new polka was more white that yellow
by doodleponie on January 17, 2025 3:59 PM NST
I love the polka dot! Less so now that I realize it's yet another reference to a pop culture thing, but it still looks good.
by anna3499e on January 19, 2025 3:15 AM NST
Pepto Pink. Coincidence? We think not
by roshchodesh on January 20, 2025 12:02 PM NST
The closest I could get to figuring out the Elephante's original inspiration was the feline character from "Put Me in a Zoo" (which I hope they use if there are any remaining pets that need this color!) -- thanks to all the commenters who always find and share the sources and inspirations *heart*
by cassine on January 20, 2025 8:50 PM NST

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