
Aboard the Coincidence

The Coincidence became a daily at the conclusion of the Portal Activation event held in early 2014.

The daily follows the format of the Spaceship Interior quests. Upon reaching the spaceship, Dr. Landelbrot will assign you a quest similar to those given by Faeries. After returning to or refreshing the page to turn in some requested items, you will receive a prize in the form of a random event.

Upon being awarded your prize, you will have to wait until the next Neopian day before you can visit again. However, if you keep a quest past midnight NST, you will be able to complete both that quest and the present day's quest on the same day.

Requested Items

The doctor will ask for 3 items in quantities of 1-3, which are drawn from a pool of items released through dailies. If you get a request for an item not listed here, please let us know!

The items he requests will be from one of two pools. Jellyneo calls these the "standard pool" and the "alternate pool." The doctor will change which pool he is using at random intervals, usually in the range of 12 to 48 hours, though we have seen some last as short as 3 hours and as long as 8 days.

When the doctor is using the standard pool, he can ask for any 3 of the items in the standard pool.

When the doctor is using the alternate pool, he will only ever ask for items from a subset of the alternate pool. The size of the subset the doctor selects from is also seemingly random, usually in the range of 3 to 6 items, though we have seen it as large as 17. No matter the size of the active subset, you will still only ever be asked for 3 items in quantities of 1-3. We have an example to explain this in the next section.

Every item seen in the alternate pool so far has a rarity r75 through r98. Additionally, at least a couple have been requested immediately after being given out by the Daily Puzzle. Because of that, we suspect that any item in this rarity range could theoretically be requested in the alternate pool, possibly with a requirement that a certain number are available cheaply in user shops when the request pool changes.

Requested Items (Alternate Pool)

The alternate pool first began appearing on the morning of September 21, 2021. Prior to that, only the standard pool was ever used; it did not change. TNT has not ever announced or publicly addressed this change, so it is unknown if it is intentional or a glitch.

Alternate Pool Example

As an example of how the alternate pool works, starting late on October 18, 2021, the three items the doctor asked for could only be from this small pool:

After about 40 hours, the pool changed to be just 3 items, meaning all players were asked for the same three items!

Requested Items (starting evening Oct 20, 2021)

Another 12 hours after that change, the doctor began asking for items from the standard pool. And around 50 hours after that change, the doctor began asking for yet another subset from the alternate pool, this time with 9 possible items! And on and on...

Canceling a Quest

Sometimes the items you're asked to acquire can be quite pricey. To avoid getting stuck on that quest, you have the option to cancel your quest. You may do so by clicking on the "No thanks!" button.

If you cancel your quest, you may not receive a new one until midnight NST. However, if you're canceling a quest that was received before the current Neopian day, then you will have the option of canceling twice in one day.

Canceling Coincidence Quest Confirmation Menu


Upon gathering the items for the doctor, you will need to return to the Doctor at The Coincidence. He will then offer you the opportunity to test his Random Event generating machine. These events are different from the Random Events that pop up around Neopia!

Events Where Something Happens

An electric current seems to fill the room. When everything has settled, you see that there is something different about [ACTIVE NEOPET NAME]. It looks like their [STAT NAME] has gone up by [#]!

Effect: One random stat (Strength, Defence, Movement, HP, Level, or Intelligence) increases by 1 to 3 for your active Neopet.

A strong electric current fills the room, crackling with powerful energy. When everything has settled, you see that there is something quite different about [ACTIVE NEOPET NAME]. It looks like their [STAT NAME] has gone up by [#]! Wow!

Effect: One random stat (Strength, Defence, Movement, HP, Level, or Intelligence) increases by 8 to 10 for your active Neopet.

An electric current starts to fill the room, but quickly leads to smoke. When everything has settled, you see that there is something different about [ACTIVE PET NAME]. Oh, no... It looks like their [STAT NAME] has gone down by [#]!

Effect: One random stat (Strength, Defence, Movement, HP, Level, or Intelligence) decreases by 1 to 3 for your active Neopet.

Losses in Defence may actually be losses in Movement! TNT seems to have typoed the outcome where you lose Movement, erroneously stating "Defence" in the text. However, you will still lose Movement points instead. The only way to be certain if you lost Defence or Movement is to compare your pet's stats before and after.

You wait for something to happen. Before long you hear a strange fluttering sound. Lottery tickets fall down from the sky! You manage to snatch up five before the rest vanish into nothingness.

Effect: You are awarded five lottery tickets. (You can see which tickets you received on the lottery page, but these tickets do not count towards your daily lottery ticket limit!)

A sudden flash of light temporarily blinds you. Once your vision clears, you realize that your [ITEM NAME] is now just dust in the wind! You kick yourself for bringing that onto a spaceship to begin with!

Effect: A random item from your inventory is removed. Note: It is possible for this to steal one of the items you were turning in. When this happens, it does not count as using the machine for the day, and none of the other items are consumed. If you obtain another of the lost item, you will be able to try the machine again!

The ray fizzles for a moment before you hear a strange pop. Your pockets feel lighter. Well, looks like you lost [###] NP!

Effect: Between 200 and 800 Neopoints are removed from your on hand total.

Neopoints are falling from the sky! You flail around wildly in an attempt to catch them all. It looks like you were able to haul in [##,###] NP! Hooray!

Effect: Neopoints are added to your on hand total. The amount will be in one of these ranges:

Nothing seems to happen. Oh wait, check the floor! You might want to catch that [ITEM NAME] before it crawls away.

Effect: You receive one of the below Petpetpets! Note that not all Petpetpets are possible outcomes: there are three Petpetpets (Glyme, Strale, and Unidentified Petpetpet) that are seemingly exclusive to Grave Danger, three (Beelzebug, Pebble, and Twig) that were exclusive to the Advent Calendar, and one (Abyssum) that is exclusive to The Void Within.

Prior to March 2022, the following non-petpetpet items could be awarded from this outcome (the text mentioned the item crawling away). This was presumably a mistake by TNT as these items have ID numbers adjacent to other Petpetpets. It was corrected in March 2022 and announced in Editorial #956.

First you see a bright flash of light. Then you see metal pieces being pulled in as if by a magnet. Slowly the pieces assemble themselves into a [ITEM NAME]. Technology is neat!

Effect: You receive one of the below Robot Petpets.

An invisible hand throws what looks like a weapon at you. You duck quickly to avoid it. Oh actually, it looks like it was just a [ITEM NAME]! You pick it up.

Effect: You a random r101 through r103 TCG card.

Events Where Nothing Happens

None of these outcomes have any effect at all, but some of them can be funny!

A blue Shoyru zooms up and whizzes past your head. Then she stops in midair and looks confused. 'This isn't Meridell! Where are we?'

This is a twist on a regular random event in which "A blue Shoyru zooms down from the sky and lands nearby! Wheeee!!!"

A crew of Alien Aishas docks with the ship, comes aboard, snaps photos of everything they see, then leaves for their next tourist stop.

More about Alien Aishas »

A fog cloud swirls past you. Was that Corbin and Kell inside? They appear to be having a tea party with a monster.

More about Corbin » More about Kell »

A Grundo appears and invites you to join Dr Sloth's Invasion Army... but he cancels the invitation when you spell your name. Your reputation precedes you.

More about Sloth's foiled invasion »

A parade of dozens of Lutaris marches through the spaceship. They get to the end of their song, then look around, confused. 'Eh, how do we get to Shenkuu?' one asks you.

A portal appears in midair, and you see Hanso and Brynn arguing. Behind them, an artefact glows brightly and then explodes, raining hot dogs everywhere.

More about Hanso » More about Brynn »

A portal opens, and through the multi-coloured swirls, you can see a plain wooden box. Before you can grab it, the portal closes.

This is perhaps a reference to the popular 2007 video game Portal.

Nothing happens. Nothing at all. You think. You check the bottom of your shoes for squashed butterflies, but find nothing.

This is perhaps a reference to the "butterfly effect," a popular concept in chaos theory (and science fiction) that changes as small as the death of one butterfly can have a massive effect later on.

Out the window, you see a giant Whalein floating in space. It blows bubbles at you.

Whalein is indeed a misspelling; it should be "Walein".

Plans for The Coincidence, dated to the early days of Moltara, float past your eyes before Dr Landelbrot hastily grabs them and tucks them in a desk drawer.

Something floats past the windows. Running to look outside, you see a small, pretty amulet in the blackness of space.

This is presumably the Space Faerie Token that Dr. Sloth was sealed into by Cylara at the end of the Return of Dr. Sloth plot.

The Ghost Lupe appears, looks around, and growls, 'This is not Mystery Island!'

This is a twist on several regular random events in which the Ghost Lupe makes comments about Mystery Island.

More about the Ghost Lupe »

The temperature drops suddenly. Maybe the Snowager sneezed, or life support briefly malfunctioned.

More about the Snowager »

You find yourself holding something invisible and unpleasantly damp. You let go, and it hits the floor with a squelch. You are never able to locate it again.

You hear the Turmaculus roaring over the ship's comm system. Scintilly trembles in fear.

The joke is that Scintilly is Dr. Landelbrot's petpet, and Turmaculus is known for eating petpets.

More about Turmaculus » More about Scintilly »

Inactive Events

These used to be possible outcomes, but no longer are.

You are pretty sure nothing happened. Actually, wait, it looks like there is something new floating above your head. Wowee, it's a [NAME OF AVATAR] avatar! Why not admire it for a moment at your Neoboards - Preferences page?

Effect: You were awarded a random avatar you did not currently possess (including retired and unreleased avatars).

Closing Text

Each time you complete a quest for Dr. Landelbrot, regardless of the outcome you'll see the following closing text near the bottom of the page:

It worked! You don't look exploded at all. Not that you were supposed to, but you never know when you're dealing with chaos theory.

Say, why don't you come back tomorrow? I'm sure I'll have more work for you then.

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This page was written by JN Staff and last updated on February 6, 2025.

Daily Neopets Alerts: Feb 6, 2025


Snowager Sleeping
from 10:00 PM to 10:59 PM NST


Symol Hole Prize Window
from 5:48:00 PM to 5:51:59 PM NST
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from 6:48:00 PM to 6:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 7:48:00 PM to 7:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 8:48:00 PM to 8:51:59 PM NST
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from 9:48:00 PM to 9:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 10:48:00 PM to 10:51:59 PM NST
Symol Hole Prize Window
from 11:48:00 PM to 11:51:59 PM NST