
Apple Bobbing

When the Haunted Faire first arrived in Neopia in 2010, along came Bart and his apple cart. Each day you could visit Bart for the chance to receive a prize. Although Apple Bobbing was originally an activity exclusive to the Haunted Faire, it is now permanently open and Neopians can visit the cart once per day.

Apple Bobbing can steal items! Before playing, we recommend checking your inventory to safely store any valuable items. Better yet, don't bring any items at all!

Possible Outcomes and Prizes

There are many possible outcomes to the Apple Bobbing daily.

Negative Outcomes

Unlike most dailies, where the worst thing that can happen is nothing, there are many actively detrimental effects possible from Apple Bobbing.

While you have your head thoroughly entrenched in a barrell full of musty water that others have been dunking their heads in all day, a member of the thieves guild decides to "relieve" you of some of those heavy Neopoints you've been carrying around.

Result: 300 NPs are removed from your on hand total. (Your total can even go negative!)

While bending over the water, those Neopoints you were saving slide out of your pockets. *Plop, plop, plop* Drat. So much for that can of Neocola you were going to buy later.

Result: A larger amount of NPs are removed from your on hand total. We do not know the exact range, but it seem to vary from a few hundred to a few thousand.

While bobbing for an apple you hiccup and snort in some of the murky water. Gagging and coughing you really start to feel quite tired.
You dip your head into the apple barrell, gripping your prize firmly in your teeth. Upon emerging proudly with your prize, you are horrified to see that it's... someone's dentures?! You flail around in disgusted horror until you hit the fence and tumble headfirst over it. Ouch.

Result: Your active Neopet loses half its current HP.

As you gaze into the water, about to bob your head in for a chance at appley-goodness, you notice a reflection in the water. It's Bart's hat. You're suddenly struck by a strange, uncomfortable feeling. Feeling ill at ease, you decide to skip bobbing for apples and head straight home. You don't sleep well.

Result: Your active Neopet's mood gets sadder.

You lean over the barrel to see what apple looks the best and as you lean over you drop something into the water and out pops an apple right into your forehead. OUCH! You now seem to have Blurred Vision.

Result: Your active pet contracts the disease Blurred Vision.

While dipping your head in the cold, murky, apple-filled water, you feel the belongings you were holding in your arms start to slip. *splash* Oh no! Not your [ITEM NAME].

Result: A random item in your inventory is removed. If that random item is an Imposter Apple, then you will also receive the avatar.

Imposter Apple

Imposter Apple / Guide

Randomly awarded when obtaining an Imposter Apple while Apple Bobbing. Also awarded if you lose an Imposter Apple while bobbing.

Released: December 9, 2010

Positive Outcomes

These are the outcomes you actually want to happen! The prizes are grouped into two different outcomes you can get. To view all the items together, head to the Apple Bobbing special category in our Item Database.

How'd that get - I mean, bully for you! I'll just put that in your inventory for you. Wouldn't want it to get stolen, after all. Downright saddening, that would be. I might even shed a tear. So how about that? I reckon your apple bobbing skills have no match.

Result: One of the below items is added to your inventory. If you receive one not listed here, please let us know!

"Bully for you" Prizes

If you receive the Imposter Apple, you will also receive an avatar!

Imposter Apple

Imposter Apple / Guide

Randomly awarded when obtaining an Imposter Apple while Apple Bobbing. Also awarded if you lose an Imposter Apple while bobbing.

Released: December 9, 2010

Oh no! It seems you've had a spot of bad luck, my friend. I guess that's how it goes in life - sometimes you get the apple, and then other times the apple gets you. Don't be discouraged, though... after all, you never know: your next bob could be your best bob! Visit your Inventory to see what you got.

Result: One of the below unappealing items is added to your inventory. If you receive one not listed here, please let us know!

Outcomes Where Nothing Happens

As you finally pull out an item you had your eye on, a passing Batterfly flies around your head, causing you to flail and drop the prize back into the barrel. D'oh!
As you hold your head over the murky water, you see a great prize slowly bobbing towards you. Suddenly, someone bumps into you from behind, causing you to lose your concentration and sight of your prize. Drat!!
As you move to get the item you had your eye on, you hear eerie music coming from far away. You leave the apple bobbing stall to follow the music, which disappears after a few moments.
It seems like just any other normal day for apple bobbing, but when you lean across the water, it begins to glow green. You stare in unease as the water glows brighter and brighter until it stops. You shrug and leave, forgetting all about getting a prize.
You eagerly reach for the perfect prize you have been waiting for, but only when you retrieve it do you realize it's nothing but some folded up rubbish. You toss it in the bin where it belongs.
You eagerly swish your head around in the water, and finally catch something in your teeth and bring it up. ARGH, you got a mouthful of Spyders! You spit them out in surprise, ending up with no prize at all.
You finally decide on which item to pick out when you suddenly see a flash of pink. A Meepit? You stare at the place you last saw the creature but nothing else happens. You leave the stall feeling a little perturbed.
You get very greedy and try to wrestle with several items at once. You lose your grip on all of them and end up with nothing at all. Pity!
You lean forward to take your prize when the water splashes up and into your eyes. You stumble back and spend the rest of your turn blinking the stagnant water out of your eyes.
You lean too far forward and fall head-first into the barrel! Bart grabs you by the collar and drags you out but now you are too drenched to continue on your search for the perfect prize.

Retired Outcomes

This outcome stopped happening sometime in late 2012, seemingly replaced by the "bully for you" outcome above without a change in prize pool.

Way to go! It looks like you've bobbed up an item for yourself! [ITEM NAME] It can be found in your Inventory - that is, if the Pant Devil hasn't stolen it already. Bwahahahaha! Aww relax, I was just kidding... sort of. Anyhow, be sure to come back tomorrow for another bob. Who knows what you'll win?

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This page was written by noileh and last updated on August 27, 2024.

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