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Valentine and Chocolate Pet Styles Released

Valentine and Chocolate Pet Styles shared are now available in the NC Mall's Styling Studio!

This release consists of the 7 Nostalgic Chocolate styles and 36 various Valentine-y styles, including "Nostalgic" Valentine poses, Adoring poses, Cherub poses, and pinkified Nostalgic Plushie styles.

Nostalgic Plushie pet styles have also been rotated back in and are available with this set.

Here is a sampling of the new styles:

It's currently unknown when these styles will rotate out.

Here are some of the HQ glossy versions of a few of the first Pet Styles modeled for JN—the 80x80 item images don't do them justice!

If you plan on purchasing one of the new Pet Styles above, why not model for us? All models earn 25 Modeling Points towards a shiny new trophy for your jnAccount.

We also still need some Blue, Snow, and Tinsel Styles modeled, so if you have those, check our list to see if you can help out!

Tales of Dacardia Valentines Event

Today, a Valentines Day themed event has begun in Tales of Dacardia. To participate, you'll need the latest version of the app downloaded. This event will run until February 28th.

This event is similar to the Donation Drive event that was held last year. There is a short introductory quest from Pan (you'll need to progress in the game's story far enough to unlock him if you haven't already), and you can then donate items at the event plaza up to a daily maximum for tickets which can be exchanged for items. Items that are higher rarity are typically worth more points, but this event has introduced both Bonus and Super Bonus items, which are worth more than equivalent items of the same rarity and item type. The Bonus items are:

  • Simple Flower Pot
  • Island Head Statue
  • Island Head Arrangement
  • Appriberry Omelette
  • Seafood Omelette
  • Fresh Fruit Surprise Omelette
  • Strawberry Omelette
  • Berry Omelette
  • Purple Essence
  • Red Essence
  • Apple
  • Berry
  • Shell
  • Flower
  • Ice
  • Gold
  • Raw Crystal
  • Parchment
  • Clams
The Super Bonus items are a trio of new Omelettes, the recipes for which are awarded by completing the introductory quest from Pan. They require new resources that can be gathered from the Furtive Farm, Seacret Beach, and Mysterious Mine for the duration of the event. Note that regardless the value of the items you donate, the maximum points you can donate per day remains the same.

You can claim in-app prizes, and players who have Neopass linked can also claim some new exclusive, and some pre-existing prizes. There are also some prizes for total donations you make over the course of the event. If you pay for a premium-tier pass, you may donate double the amount per day, HOWEVER because at present all items have a redemption limit of 1, buying the full pass will leave you with a lot of left over points you can do nothing with. You only need buy the 1 day pass (much cheaper) to buy out the entire shop provided you are completing the event daily for the duration.

Additionally, there is another daily login bonus, and this will run through February 24th.

Note: The latest update has also dramatically changed Buddy Bulletin Board tasks, and it is now possible to get quests that are much more complex and in one case mechanically impossible to complete.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Avatar and Site Theme Unlock
Send this Neogreeting (it'll still send even though Ruffle isn't set up by Neopets on these pages) to that someone special by the end of February 14th and receive the yearly Valentine's Day avatar.

+ ❤️❤️❤️ =

February 14th is also the only day of the year where sending A Mysterious Valentines Card will get you and your lucky lover the Valentine's Day Site Theme! The sender of the card must not have the site theme for it to work, so buddy up with someone who also needs the theme!

(The new layout Valentine's Day theme is available to all via the "Site Theme" option on General Settings, but if you have not unlocked the Classic version yet, you need to complete the action above!)

Ruffle Update Fixes More Classic Flash Games

This week, TNT have been touting new support for more classic Flash games that were previously non-functional after the end of Flash support in January 2021.

How did they achieve this change? On July 25, 2023, TNT installed Flash emulator Ruffle on its servers, restoring a large chunk of the games. From shortly thereafter until this week, TNT was using a version of Ruffle released on August 10th, 2023. This week, they have updated the site to use a version released on June 28, 2024. Neopets has been a Diamond sponsor of the open-source Ruffle project between July 2023 and November 2024, contributing $8,000 via monthly payments over that time.

The official announcement mentions these 16 games:

It's not obvious how TNT settled on this specific list. These games have been added to the bottom of the support site's list of supported games, but most of them with some "known issues."

For example, the button text on Advert Attack is overlapped, though the game seems to play fine.

Additionally, three of these were identified by Jellyneo in fall 2023 as already functional with the originally installed version of Ruffle: Barf Boat, Hubrid's Hero Heist, and Spellseeker. We've also received reports from users that other games not listed by TNT are now working with this change; there may be some variation by browser or device, for example. So, even if your favourite Flash game isn't listed, try it out!

A version of this list shared on Neopets social media earlier this week included a 17th game, Coal War Tactics, that is not included in the Portal announcement; the FAQ page currently lists it as "Unable to send score." The image used on the announcement also erroneously depicts the original Shenkuu Warrior, which was already functional, rather than Shenkuu Warrior II.

This development comes on the heels of an update last week that gives Premium members the ability to send four scores per game each day instead of the usual three. Happy gaming!

Lenny Day Roundup

Lenny Day is here! Here's what's new for this feathered Neopet:


If you plan on creating a Strawberry Lenny, check out our Modeling page, as we'll need your help!

Over at Cog's Togs, a new shadow shard outfit, which appears to be inspired by The Dark Crystal, is available:

Cog's Togs is now stocking some new beaks:

And last but not least, a new pin cushion is available, which is not a wearable but stocking at Prigpants & Swolthy, Tailors:

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Daily Neopets Alerts: Feb 14, 2025

All Day

Avatar: Valentine Chia
Get this avatar by February 14th!
Site Theme: Valentine's Day
Receive the Valentine's Site Theme by sending A Mysterious Valentines Card.


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